
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 05:43:36
write about what you did last weekend的意思 what do you want to write about this weekend什么意思 Write areport about how you helpedf old Henry last weekend翻译成中文 Write a report about how you helped old Henry last weekend.的中文翻译 世界历史上最有权力的人是谁?拿破仑,成吉思汗,凯撒,亚历山大?最有权力,也就是在当时世界中有最大比例的人口受其统制 亚历山大 恺撒 铁木真 拿破仑在几个人谁的军事天才更高?虽然比较几个天才谁更天才就如同比较几个疯子谁更疯狂一样有些荒谬,但他们之间还是有个高下的,呵呵~或者说谁更具军事天赋 如 Many young trees _______ ________ on both sides of the road last Sunday.(plant) I read a book.【用last sunday改写】 EXO's Show Time ep9 里集体在练习室里玩的不能说话然后用手指人的那个游戏叫什么?怎么玩?第九期里面,他们晚上在练习室里玩的一个游戏不能说话不能露牙,然后用手指人,这游戏我全程都没咋 高等教育的好处英语作文 本人急需一篇关于高等教育的作用的英文文章,有的朋友发一下,300字左右的就可以,急用 高等教育好处的100字英语作文 中国高等教育的优点 (只说优点不说缺点,语言精练) 艾青的诗《太阳》抒发了什么样的情感? 求艾青的诗歌或诗句,除了《太阳的话》!《太阳的话》是艾青于1942在( )写的一首代言诗,他代言的是 ( )? Last sunday,I read a story about a brave save a young boy on public road.At last,the boy save from救救急吧翻译翻译 太阳的话 是艾青到哪里写的诗 At last,the boy save from the brave,but the brave's died. 求美国各区域特点文化介绍!马上会去美国培训几个月想了解一下美国各区域的文化差异,风土人情等常识比如:拿中国说的话,中国有南北,东西文化差异,方言生活习惯就差很多,东南沿海经商 美国最有特点的风情文化是什么? 描写茉莉花句子 英语翻译Sam and Mike worked in the same office and they were friendly to each other.Last summer the two men went to a city by the sea for their holiday.They visited a few places of interest,swam in the sea and then lay on the sands.They had a goo 英语翻译I'm sure it's tough on my father,too,because I don't know much aout brick-laying,either,except that it's hell on the body,a daily sacrifice.I idealized my dad as a kind of dawn-riing priest of labor,engaged in holy ritual.Up at five every 英语翻译1.适合你的就是最好的.(suit)2.这场暴风雨对庄家损失很大.(damage)3.我们要采取有效措施来保护环境.(effective)4.为了提高产量,我们应该用心的研究成果.(apply)5.你很明智昨晚没有 用 “it is the first +time ”造句两个 英语翻译To have that sense of one's intrinsic worth which constitutes self-respect is potentially to have everything:the ability to discriminate,to love and to remain indifferent.To lack it is to be locked within oneself,paradoxically incapable o 英语翻译As arguments like this are put forward(and we expect them to increase in the years to come),we need to remember two things.First ……Second ,the entire issue of competitiveness is suspected when it puts poorly treated workers in one cou He found that his bike ( ) A.gone B was gone C.missing D.is missing Several weeks had gone by ______ I realized the painting was missing.a、as b、 before c、 since d、 that这题选b,为什么连接词之前有个by? When i returnd to the classroom,i found my pen ________.为什么可以用missing/gone/lost?老师说的,这三个都可以 【高一英语单选题一道】Several pages were found _____when the book was returned to me.A.missing B.lost C.gone D.disappeare请问为什么答案选择C,而其他的不行? There are three traffic lights in the city(对three进行提问)