
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 17:04:41
And laughter简写怎么写 I didn’t want to _ with her as much.为什么空格处要选hang out而不选go on?go on不是有继续下去的意思吗?不可以翻译为我不想和她继续下去了? why do you need so much money,l want to------Ahave painted my houseBhave someone else to paint myhouseChave my house paintedDget someone else paint my house 初二英语完形填空we found that it was ( )to learn chinese ,but it was very interesting 括号里 market-rate apartment是指商品房吗?直译的话是叫市场价公寓,请问这就是通俗说的商品房的意思吗? get along with和live in harmony with都有和睦相处的意思吗?它们有什么区别? 英语比较级用法是什么 英语比较级quickly 的比较级为什么是more quickly?而funny的比较级却是funnier?都是双音节,都是辅音加y结尾,怎么出现不一样的情况 We are different world people 一只螃蟹是什么成语 什么东西是世界上最小的房间,一个谜语 A UFO landed on Center street 翻译 “星沉月落夜闻香”,求与此句对仗的其他三句,凑成一首七言律诗!此句在第几句都可以,懂得的进! Have you heard that ___UFO landed on Center Street yesterday?----Of course.And_____alien got out of the UFO and visited the TV station.A.a;the B.the;an C.a;an D.an;an 仙三诗词 诉衷情·旖旎情(景天初遇雪见时的词) 星沉月落夜闻香 素手出锋芒 前缘再续新曲 Like a Melody and Harmony in love 什么意思 英语翻译翻译:i think most of the administrators i have come across have degrees in all sorts of things write a riddle (作谜语)【英文作文】快~ Afarmer __to see a UFOon a clear night two weeks ago A happened B took place Cused Dwas used 为什么是on a clear night,在晚上不是用at night吗原题是It's fun to see a large number of stars shining in the sky ________ a clear night.  A.at B.in C.on D.of help sb ?sth help sb.___sth.应该填什么?什么情况下用 do 什么情况下用doing 什么情况下用with? 单词 ashamed 和shy和shamed,shameful,embarrassed,五个词的区别是什么?词性?用法? 为什么会有南桔北枳现象发生环境因素 shameful和ashamed有什么用法上的区别 Your parents will see how good you are _ push-ups,as well as Math. agree with,agree on.agree to有什么区别? agree to ,agree with ,agree on ,区别 什么牌示波器好用拜托了各位 谢谢什么示波器好用, 求《过上湖岭望招贤江南江北山》的题目字词含义和诗中“旋争豪”的意思 thus 的用法 解释一句句子,thus的用法?A society is thus made up of people from all walks of life.这句话我懂.就是这里为什么用thus?thus究竟有哪些用法?最好每种用法能有例句.谢谢