
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 11:24:56
李伟从家里骑摩托车到火车站,如果30km每小时,那么比火车开车时间早到15m米;若每小时走18km,则比火车晚到15米,现在李伟打算在火车开车前10米到达火车站,求李伟此时骑摩托车的速度是多少? 要用一元一次方程解,超级简单的.某商品10%后的价格恰好比原价的一半多40元,问该商品的原价是多少元?打错了,是某商品降价10%后的价格 @@@@!一元一次方程————速进——在线等,@@####3——甲乙两列火车的长分别为148米和180米,甲车比乙车每秒多行5米,两列车相向行驶,从相遇到全部错开(从两车头相遇到两车尾离开)需8秒,问 请问王玉梅的托福词汇书大部分是英语发音,美语发音少,请问这本书适合考托福么 考托福买哪些书合适?淘宝上看到了一堆托福书,什么蓝的、红的、绿的、紫的,一看到头都晕,都是新东方的,封面图案一样颜色不一,我想问这些书各有什么特点,最好能全面介绍一下.注意我是 考托福买哪种托福词汇手册比较好 是on her way home 还是on she way home. ate cheese she some 能组成一个句子吗? 2008走向成功英语答案谁有初三的南汇区的 连词成句 1.give ,the,awards,now,will,we,out,team(.)2.a,jumper,helen,i'm,but,good,better,is(.)3.the,without,he,whole,runs,race,on,shoes(.),of,people,wanted,lots,make(.) 考托福主要是先背单词啊?然后还要干什么呢,做模拟卷,还有呢? 英语翻译Men seni syiomyn,janym AltynaaiHochetsya tebya obnyat',ne otdam tebe skazat',Hochetsya mne byt' s toboi do gub dotronut'sya rukoiKrepche krepche obnimat',nejno nejno c'elovat'Hochesh otdam tebe dushu,eto sdelat' ya smogu 想考托福在家怎么背单词记得很差,买了那个45天突破版新东方的,有45个list,我一天看2个list的单词,到现在为止已经三天了,前两个list的单词基本上记得,但是有时候忘记怎么发音,现在在看第3lis LM117将输入电压5VZ转为3.5V电路图是什么样子的,电路中元件的参数和功能各是什么?输入怎么是>28V那,我的输入是5V are you fucking kidding me怎么读 请问:给iphone5充电,用充电器的输入电压是5V,但电流是多少呢? 当输入电压低到10.5v就短路的电路怎样设计 are you fucking kidding me?where is my question? DC 24V 转化成DC 5v的简单电路,要画出来的电路图的.(标出各元件的参数)稳定性一定要高啊 who is the tallest?Jack is as tall as John.John is not as tall as Bob.But ken is taller than Bob.Who is the tallest of the four? 世界who is the tallest? tallest,who,the,is?(连词成句) If it __ yesterday afternoon ,I would have gone fishing .A.had not been raining B.were not raining C.would not be raining D.should not be raining 并加以说明. __I__there,I would have gone yesterday.A Had,gone B should,go ()for the snow yesterday ,we would have gone to climb the mountain.a,if it were not b.had it not been c.if it was not d.were it not 求详解语法句式 Do not forget( ) us some fresh fish 中间应该加什么类型的词啊? went,bought,so,we,to,the,and,some,fish,for,it,supermarket.组成句子 the fish which we bought was not fresh.可以用that吗 Tony is the tallest boy ___ the three用介词 should have gone 和 must have gone的区别,是高中的语法可是忘记了.The house is dark.; the Browns ______ to bed.A.may go B.should go C.should have gone D.must have gone为什么选D不选c? According to what he complained about,something must have gone wrong with the computer,______?According to what he complained about,something must have gone wrong with the computer,_didn't it_____?这里没有表过去的时间状语,为什么用didn 能否帮我看看这是哪国语言?Logheaza-te folosind formularul LOGIN MEMBRI din stanga ecranului,introducand user-ul / parola alese它在说什么……只知道那个parola好象是密码的意思……别跟我说这是英语55555555555555555