
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 21:59:58
__we __(need) to buy some more chicken,mun? 东莞明天会不会下雨? 东莞地区下午和晚上会下雨吗?如题 发短信 英文用手机发短信英文怎么说, 英语几个选择 暑假剑桥少儿英语班,在和平里这边有没有权威性好一点的机构? 和平里小镇有剑桥少儿英语辅导机构吗?孩子开学就上一年级了,现在就开始好好抓英语了. 什么是分词,动名词 春季三一口语班、在和平里2小,附近有没有通过率高一点的三一口语班? Steal的过去式 除了修辞手法和说明方法还有一个什么?(---- ,------- ,----- ,----- ,-----)除了修辞手法和说明方法还有一个什么?( ---- ,------- ,----- ,----- ,----- )内容共五个 2013年12月六级求查分我的准考证号是 441370131200710 陈铃儿在99宿舍输入一直说准考证格式不对 我明明对了一百万次都是对的查了百度说是查询的人太多 网速不佳 假如生活欺骗了你用什么语气读 根据所给首字母或汉语写出正确的英语单词.1.I need some h__________ to carry math books here.1.I need some h__________ to carry math books here.2.The shore s___________ kinds of things.They are very cheap.3.The books are on s_________ 6月28日早上 下雨..我要去见工,但是,那个主管说,下雨不好去体检.所以.想知道下.明天早上. 武汉6月9日下雨吗.RT... 急!初中语文阅读答题技巧和作文写作方法思路!后天就考语文了,麻烦各位高手速度帮我解决问题!我需要两个东西.1.阅读答题技巧.2.作文写作方法与思路! 尤其是阅读和作文. We need three cups of sauce to make Beijing Duck.对“three cups”提问. 四级有AB卷之分吗?是不是花卷?RT 吉林省用的英语四级的花卷是一样的吗 8 How many ____do you need to make fruit salad.AtomatosBpotatoCvegetableDtomatoes 1.How many t___ of cinnamon do we need to make fruit salad?2.He studied very hard,f___ he did very well in the exam.3.Deng Yaping began to play for the n___ table tennis team in 1998. how much apples do we need to make fruit salad.这个句子正确还是错误这个句子正确还是错误 How much c() do we need to make a sandwich等一些初2英语填空He has a() left .He has gone to BeijingHow much c() do we need to make a sandwichIt was a() like a good dream都是根据首字母填单词. 跳绳跳1000下累还是跑一千米累~知道的说说 I want to buy a new dictionary.(改为否定句) It is time for sports 什么意思 i don't need __ a new dictionary because i bought this one year ago.为什么填to buy 而不是buy?There's a lot to do.we can't __ to waste ant time.中间为什么填afford 而不是want? .It is time for sports.同义句 It's time _ _ _ i want to buy a new (E )dictionary Is it time_____sports?Yes,it's time____play sport