
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 00:23:02
#[15] The young man ______ better pay many times,but he failed and finally had to give up the job.A.demandedB.bargainedC.requiredD.compared请帮忙翻译包括选项,并且分析. My best friend sits next _____ me. A、in B、on C、to D、behind The young man had a job_____(interview)in a company just now. 英语翻译:当我听了一句较长的话后,不能完全复述出来 线鼻子的英语单词 鼻子用英语单词怎么拼? 派子偏旁改成月字是什么字 鼻子有几种类型 英语单词 月改一笔是什么字 “腾”去掉月旁改成女旁是什么字 The mountain is too high __this seventy year old man the old grandma is seventy对 seventy 提问 辑的的车换成戈读什么? "部"的右边部分改成"到"的右边部分,什么字啊 能字的右边改成长,是个字么? 创怎么组词 高中英语选择疑难(19)Many companies are eager to sign a contract with Amanda,who has the potential to ____ a super star.A、remain B、grow C、make D、turn请给出理由 13,14选什么, 英语小故事视频 带翻译 问下练习雅思听力听写的同学我很好奇你们听写是怎么听啊?难道放一段文章的录音,然后不带停顿的都写下来?我下个月就要考雅思了,但试着听写每一句话都能听懂,也会写.可是实在来不及啊, 我的鼻子不大用英文怎么写 76.This idea sounds quite______. A.good B.well C.interested D.excitedly请详细说明 This idea sounds ------.A.greatB.greatlyC.wellD.nicely This idea sounds ( ) terrible.中文是;这个主意听起来真糟糕 He says that he__likes this idea.A.very B.much C.quite D.well nothing can make him his mind(change) nothing on earth could make him change his mind.这句话怎么翻译 ______ he has made up his mind,no one can make him change it.A.Once B.Unless C.Until D.As 关于关于科学作文的好词好段好句三分钟后要用,求哥哥姐姐回答一下 insist on one’s doing 造个句子 He can nothing change his mind 怎么办翻译 nothing can__(make) me change my ideas “用英语和汉语写一些激励自己的话”