
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 02:24:46
我要参加英语演讲比赛 准备三分钟 演讲三分钟 我都准备些什么主题啦?这是校内选拔cctv比赛那个 a man felt snow-covered street of chicago 完形填空A man left the snow-covered street of Chicago for a vacation in Florida.His wife was __31__ a business trip and was planning to __32__ him there the next day.When he __33__ his hotel,he decided__3 I can't ___ ___ you soon.(我不能尽快给你回信)请英语高手帮我填上 猜猜我家庭的情况.Please guess some information about my family 这么说可以吗? 可以说汹涌澎湃的大海吗 汹涌澎湃的大海具有____能. 河水为什么不像大海那样汹涌澎湃? Monty Robert的中文是什么? 18世纪美国与法国总统制的异同 WM是什么意思 现在完成时与一般现在时、过去时怎么区别?(这三个时态的用法) 不是特意去做某件事怎么形容 收藏了一把日本战刀 上有昭和十年十一月吉日 吉野日本刀 月山精炼作 亲王殿下御生旦纪念请问这是哪个战犯的佩刀 .角色转换案例:英国女王维多利亚是历史上有名的女王,但是她私下和她的丈夫阿尔伯特亲王相处时,不免也有一般家庭的争执场面.有一次,他们夫妇又吵架了,丈夫阿尔伯特愤而回到卧室,并且 为什么皇上不叫殿下,太子不叫陛下 完成下列反义疑问句She is your new classmate ,( 将下列英语改成一般疑问句1.She is looking at the zebra2.The ooliceman is watching the car3.The birds in the tree are eating now4.I am playing cards5.the sun is shning What letter can fly? 一树寒梅白玉条,迵临村路傍溪桥.是描写什么季节 一树寒梅白玉条,迥临村路傍溪桥是描写哪个季节的急! 一树寒梅白玉条 迥临村南路傍溪桥的季节是什么 求现在时与过去时的区别快 can you guess A when do the clothes come from.B shen the clothes are from.Cwhen are the clot 有英语高手在吗,帮忙,I guess it's (when\after)you are all going through the (happiness\hardness)together and you know you are not alone!括号里分别选哪个词?翻译一下句子,给好评,不要乱答的,拜托了! “从此蜀人不复为水所病”的“病”的题目“从此蜀人不复为水所病”的“病”,与《捕蛇者说》“ ”中的病同义;“病”还解释为 ,如《桃花源记》“ ”中的“病”弄出来的人给20分 一数寒梅白玉条,迥林村里傍溪桥写的是哪个季节帮帮忙 French中e 音标 Good idea.But first we should find out _____.A.how to do B.when to do C.what to do it D.how to do it Good we should always betogether什么意思 keep your hands off歌词翻译`!let the record play, let the record play, let the record play. the way that you dance, the way that you move, the way that you stare at me across the room, you carry dior bags, and you got your chanel, you wear louis Keep Your Hands Off My Girl 歌词 谁知道狂野夏落特的keep your hands off my girl的歌词,要是有这首歌的中文翻译就更好了