
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 09:38:32
People had to use bicycles to go to the city center.(改为同义句) People__ __to use bicycles toPeople had to use bicycles to go to the city center.(改为同义句)People__ __to use bicycles to go to the city center.People__ __to use bicycles Friend are always friends,rich or Always You (Ten Years Later) 歌词 有钱就任性"英语怎么说 我最敬佩的人或我也追星 作文,800字, hurry up!Don't have your friends ----too longA waiting Bto wait Cwaiting for D wait Still Crazy After All These Years 歌词 I do not think any( )the movies is interesting括号中填什么介词 I just would have had to have been better at school.求详解,请说明句中的语法及句子含意 巴黎在哪国 爱的最好表达方式是什么? 直接引语变为间接引语时将来时态的变化请问He said,“I am going to have a birthday party the next week.”怎样变为间接引语顺便问一下别的将来时态的间接引语变换是否与此相同 我爱你的表达方式各种语言的表达方式,如英语、西班牙语、拉丁语……不少于六种,还有各种手势,都可以 急求tell、throw、understand,wake、will和smell的过去式和过去分词大神们帮帮忙 爱情最好的表达方式是什么啊? throw的过去分词 dangerous的比较级 run,ride,be,choose,see,write,stand,say,throw的过去分词 解释一下一张宠物小精灵的人物图就是这张了,人设都很帅啊.谁能告诉我这些人都是谁?我在百度看到的 孩子们高兴地对他说:“再见……”,这里的省略号的作用是什么? 我要启程了.再见了,我的巢.(a) 幸福 未来和尊严.(b) 省略号的作用分别是什么 \"再见!.\"这句话中省略号起什么作用 不,我,我……只想从你们的喜悦中分享一点幸福……省略号的作用 孩子们高兴地对他说:“再见.”这个省略号的作用是什么? 将下列句子改为同义句 1.We have lessons from eight eleven.We have lessons ___ from ___ eleven.2.Does Lucy sit by the window?Does Lucy sit ____ ____ the window?3.The flower shop is opposite the street.The flower shop is ____ ____ ____ ____ of 爱她有几种表达方式 为什么太平天国运动被镇压下去了 We have lessons from eight eleven.(改同义句) We have lessons ___ from ___ eleven. sell的过去式和过去分词是什么? ( )english dictionary you borrow from the library must be useful for your study.kongli填什么填连接词 -what has happened to Mike -i don't konw,he ___lost.a.could get b.might get c.can have gotd.may have got写出原因! 曾国藩镇压太平天国的过程 信号发生器的Positive and Negative