
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 19:06:13
The audio system in my car is nothing to get excited about.怎么翻译? the audio system in my car is nothing to get excited about 这个对话在表达什么意思,翻译不来.麻烦达A:the audio system in my car is nothing to get excited about.B:at least it puts out sound,which is more than i can say about my car's s Unicars Car Audio 英语单选求解【有追问】.The speech _______ me very much was made by the famous professor.The speech _______ me very much was made by the famous professor.A.which excites B.that is excited C.exciting D.excited 最近感觉心里好累啊?在这家公司呆了三年了,越干越没劲. 配合物的价键理论 eset smart security 5 激活码 英语中音标的发音,里面的一些名词解释(如长元音[i:]的发音方法 该音是个前元音,是字母ea,ee,ie或ei在单词中的发音.此音是长元音,一定注音把音发足.其发音要领是发音时舌尖抵下齿,前舌尽 英语中音标的发音 英语中音标的使用方法我现在英语没有基础,买的教学材料是从头开始教学的,现在刚开始学音标就遇到几个问题.教学材料中把音标分的太细了!分完元音分辅音,然后又分单元音.学音标真的用 音标i的发音,policy,i 读 饿 的音,在thesis中,i 读 [e],音标中的i怎么会不读 一 linen发音读作什么类似音呢,是 l累音 还是什么,很拗口 价键理论基本要点 英语中音标的读法 英语中音标的拼读这个单词:brilliance其音标为 ['briljəns].我想知道,辅音l后接j的,l是和前边bri连,还是和后面j拼在一起?我听不同的词典有不同的发音,哪个断音是对的?同理failure[feiljə]也 英语中音标的[e]和[ae]到底怎么发才标准 be Be noisy in the corridors.这句话中文意思? Be noisy in the library是什么意思 At school ,I have even more rules-don't be noisy的汉语 it is _____(help)to her We admire his working so hard.我们钦佩他工作努力.这里so hard在句子作什么成分.working so hard怎么没谓语啊. to be or not to be the is questiong To be,or not to be- that is the question什么意思 Not to be Because the DNot to be Because the Deep love he is good at music and he can()in our school concert.A.are B.am C.is D.be 王娜 英文名 叫什么 英语翻译3546 piece-for-piece是什么意思 这里的piece是什么意思原句是——but father sai that the clock was a 【French Revolutionary piece】 and that ,for her time little Miss Liberty was all right.括号部分翻译来就是法国大时期时的作品 I think he is right ,A.is he B.isn't he C.are I 我选的是C,这句话的意思是说:我想他是对的,我认为主语应该是I,而不是he,所以我选C。你们认为呢 He is ( )home.He isn't( )school.