
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 02:46:01
什么叫遗臭万年 遗臭万年成语接龙必须是成语不要“喝西北风”这样的,必须有15个 It remains to be seen____it will do us harm or good more job opportunities will be created as the number of years that the average people work full time shrinks1.as the number of years 2.more job opportunities will be created 翻译成更多的工作机会将被创造. They will enjoy themselves tomorrow. They will enjoy themselves tomorrow.改同义句 aren't的同义词是什么? aren't any的同义词 aren't同音词 boat同义词 also meet aren"t 的同义词是什么? 同义词转换 1.We aren't in the same row.We are in _____row.2.They had a good tim 昔乘匹马去,今驱万乘来的全文是什么? 解释"昔乘匹马去,今驱万乘来"(谢谢)谢谢了, “昔乘匹马去,今驱万乘来. we still have one hour left.我们还有一个小时的时间.left是过去分词做one hour的定语吗 My father is find.对find提问. he found being a good father difficult=he found _ _ _ _a good father 他上学从不迟到翻译:He ___ goes to school____. 尼克经常很晚去上学 Nick often goes to school ___ _____ fair friend是什么意思?解释一下意义. 我们去英国上学用英语怎么说?i want ______ _____ to school ______ -______ -__ scarborough advance Australia fair该如何解释前进,美丽的澳大利亚这是澳大利亚国歌歌名,也是歌词的一句这个FAIR怎么解释 You can play soccer after school.(改为倒装句) After one illness,he suddenly__himself deaf.__处为found,为何不是用found?Oh,no.I am sorry.我的意思是:为何不是用found out. Think Own had once,suddenly found himself never possessed. Never found back once himself 求翻译 根据句意及首字母提示完成句子We can't see the sun d___the night we can't see_____ sun at________ night.像这样的解题思路 A.a;/ B.a;the C.the;/ D.the:the就是这样 fair 在这句话的词性是?请问下面这句话的 fair 是什么词性?是不是副词呢?It is not though fair.= People do not think it fair. 英语翻译Their job was to pick up all the rubbish,put it in wheelbarrows and take it to the rubbish piace.It was not difficult work,but it was a little dangerous.They had to walk beneath where men were working .Somerimes these men dropped their to 以“An Accident”为题,写一篇80左右的短文