
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 15:42:22
bec写作问题?bec写作如何准备? 请问bec-v写作的问题.1.是不是报告中一定要写recommendation呢?2.如果在题干中没有挖掘出来(建议和结论),是要自己编么?3.如果题材是proposal,那么结论和建议也都包括么?这个我很不解 我把最后 我要100条夸张句 写秋天的现代诗两首100字, 夸张句有哪些辅寥庐姻 单人旁加个番是什么字?请知道的高人告诉下 The man got to the small village ____.A,in the end B.by the end C.at the end You haven’t seen a blue notebook,have you?I hope I didn’t leave it in the reading room.怎么翻译啊 能不能再写篇“我和小树共同成长”为题的文章啊,很急啊 我和______一起_________ 要求:把题目补充完整.如“我和父母一起看星星”、“我和小树一起成长”呃.我是初中生. 急求:给定一个场景,设计三人英语对话A student is always forgetting things, for example, forgettingteachers’ assignments, forgetting some important dates, forgetting where to putthe key, forgetting the password of computer or bank ca 现在社会公道正义的人会是什么下场? 世界上什么东西是对所有人都公平的? I hane too booes,one is big____is small A the other Bthe others C other D others为什么选A,the other后应跟名词不是吗?没名词other应加s不是吗? I have two boxes,one is big,_____ is small A other B anotherCould you tell me _____A when are you leaveingB when you are leaveing I had noticed that film before, but I haven't seen it yet. 在线刷新等I had noticed that film before, but I haven't seen it yet.请教此句中有没有语法错误, 如有, 错在哪里, 原因在哪?谢谢! 在线刷新等.. Haven't I seen you some place before?Yes,That's ___________ I don't go there anymore.A because B how C why D when为什么是C,请详细分析一下答案和其他几个选项, 形容一个东西不知道现在在哪的成语. 对话篇)-Jenny,I've finished my summer school classes.-Well,Chinese is ( )difficult to learn,isn't it?-It seemed that ( ) at first.But after a while it started to get easier.A fair;much B pretty; way C very; method D too; so为什么选B?It seemed 梦见一个人说明那个人在想你,这有科学道理吗? 填空答案 无恶不作是什么意思 无恶不作的意思是什么? 无恶不作的意思 无恶不作有一首歌,我是在广播里听到的,里面有句歌词:天也空了地也干了...呢是什么歌了? 什么动物无恶不作 春风又绿江南岸”的题目是? Realize you 亚里士多德和孔子是不同时期的人,为何他们对妇女都存有鄙视? 左耳朵旁,右边一个皮.怎么念? 皱去掉皮字加上耳字旁是什么字? 英文翻译:嘴角挤出一丝微笑