
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 10:29:30
帮我理解下这两句话语文水平越来越不行了,请问“我的子女在你这里”和“我是真心爱你”是一回事儿么?“我的心在你这里”和“我是真心爱你” 是一回事儿么? 醋的原料是水 为什么却不用氵做偏旁 英语翻译 英语翻译由于假期影响,这个工厂明天才上班,我们不能将这些样品在9号前送到你办公室,如果你仍然需要,我们会在本周末寄出.我们目前只有A and B,你仍然需要吗?如果是,我们9号才能寄出给你, 填人名_________吃鸡助————食之无味,弃之可惜._________穿针————大眼瞪小眼_________照镜子————自觉脸红 kitty is _____tomorrow A going birdwatch B going birdwatching C go birdwatching D go birdwatchbbm帮帮忙 _tomorrow,our ship will set for Macao..However the weather is like.B.However is the weather like.C.Whatever is the weather like D.Whatever the weather is like为什么选D? Our ship is leaving tomorrow,isn't+什么呢?Our ship is leaving tomorrow,isn't+什么呢?isn't后面应该加什么呢?she B that C it D her.现在纠结于为什么不选it 而是选she? Whatever the weather is like tomorrow,our coar will set out for the distant_____is like tomorrow,our coar will set out for the distant village.A However the weather is like B However is the weather likeC Whatever the weather is likeD Whatever is the One of my hobbies is to go birdwatching.为什么用to 如图,A,B是椭圆x^2/1+y^2/b^2=1(1>b>0)上两顶点,F是右焦点,若AB垂直于B如图,A,B是椭圆x^2/1+y^2/b^2=1(1>b>0)上两顶点,F是右焦点,若AB垂直于BF,则椭圆的焦距是 Would you like to go birdwatching with us?That s_____ exciting. sandy with her friends want to go birdwatching错在哪儿?我看了一下!如果是WANTS意思是都想!如果是WANT意思是想 1.--Remember to walk quietly to your birdwatching place,Jack.-- ______.1.--Remember to walk quietly to your birdwatching place,Jack.-- ______.A.OK,I will B.No,I won't C.No,I don't D.Yes,I do2.We found______to sleep because it was too hot in the room. 请问下面两句该怎样改? 怎么在动物或植物上得到启示 下面两句话应该怎样理解呢?第一句是“朋友值千金”,第二句是“金钱如粪土”,两句加起来理解是不是“朋友==粪土”?这是从书上看到的. 已知椭圆x^2/a^2+y^2/B^2=1的端轴的一个端点D(0,根3),离心率e=1/2,过点D做直线l与椭圆交于另一点M,与x轴交于点A(不同于原点O ),点M关于X 轴对称点为N,直线DN交X轴于点B(1)求椭圆方程:X^2/6+Y^2/ 英语的,本人是英语白痴翻译下用There are / there is a开头有noodle shops 3间 railway station 1间 library1间 hospital 1间 station 1间造成句子比如There are noodle shops.不是这样啦,是一句一句分开造的, 本人是英语白痴问下高手There was no possiblity of taking a walk that day.这句话of起什么作用啊?大哥门详细说明 Mein Weg ist mein Weg 歌词 Mein Lieblingsplatz 是什么 我相信我是幸运的.用英语如何翻译 你知道烟草的核酸种类是什么吗? 你让我相信我如此幸运.英语翻译 请问下列两句话错误的原因.A.将铁锤在石墩上撞击几下,松动的锤头就紧套在锤柄上,这是利用了锤柄的惯性B.竖直向上抛出后的排球,在空中向上运动的过程中受到的合力方向向上请问以上两 下面这两句话哪错了1.ATP与ADP的相互转化,使生物体内的各项化学反应能在常温常压下快速而又顺利地进行2.ATP中的高能磷酸键水解时,释放的能量可多达1161KJ/mol它们都是错的.why? 下面两句话中 哪句话是对的?下面这句话是错的.上面这句话是对的.一楼有够创新的,竟然改题。这应该是个悖论吧,就是无解的喽,有谁能给多几个悖论的例子吗? 下面的两句话,哪句说的对?下面的两句话,那句说的对?1.谁能否认中华民族是一个伟大的民族呢?2.谁能否认中华民族不是一个伟大的民族呢? 下面两句话的区别He wishs he had gone to the political conventions. He wishs he could have gone to the political conventions. 如图以O为圆心的两个同心圆中,大圆的弦AB与小圆相切于点C大圆的弦AB与小圆相切于点C,若大圆半径为10cm,小圆半径为6cm,则弦AB的长为——cm 成吉思汗2 2级部件怎么弄?