
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 15:49:54
Eric is a waiter对a waiter提问 Drink it later. Cultural waiter什么意思?文化侍者翻译成英文是Cultural waiter吗?在英语里有文化侍者这个词吗?他是什么意思 waiter的对应词是什么? waiter “waiter”嘛意思? waiter 是什么 意思 A,B两地相距40千米,甲乙两人分别从A地出发,甲先出发1小时然后乙以比甲每小时快2千米的速度出发,结果两人同时到达B地,问:如果甲早出发0.5小时,那么乙追上甲,两人离B地还有多少千米? 下列各项括号内词语用法不同类的是A适有孤鹤,横江(东)来B(玄裳缟衣)C掠予舟而(西)也D(羽衣)蹁跹 waiter什么意思? The window was broken by Tim yesterday.(改为反义句)反义疑问句 you'll have to r_______the chair before using it.it was broken yesterday 我买的杯子昨天坏了. The cup ___________ ___________ ___________ broken yesterday. 括号部分提问 My bike was broken (yesterday)Sue and Peter (made a birthday) for their mother.It was (hot) yesterday afterday.They went to Xian (last month).He was (in the park)just now.I (flew kites with my sister) yesterday morning. 形容【五月】·【六月·七月】·【十一月·十二月】东湖的诗句分别有哪些? 关于绍兴东湖的诗句要写景的 英语单句改错(高一)1.The rain has kept on raining for days.2.There is nearly no sound in the reading room.3.The pop star is familiar with teenagers. A、B两地相距共40千米,甲、乙两人分别同时从A、B两地出发,相向而行,两小时后两人相遇,然后甲即返回A地,乙继续前进,当甲回到回到A地时,乙离A地还有4千米,求甲、乙两人的速度. 英语翻译 英语翻译铃声响了那个男孩走开了我上学从来不迟到课桌上有一本书现在轮到你了只有通过这种方式,我们才能成功 英语翻译两个警察冲进来将他带走了他冲出了房间 英语翻译1.它在这呢 2.它们在这儿呢 3.这是我们的风筝 4.你的袜子在这儿 修改病句,并说明修改原因,并不难,有耐心的来1.用激光动手术,可以减轻流血.( )2.海里的泥沙把澎湃的波涛卷到了岸边.( )3.中山公园增添了四个日本赠送的大型玩具.( )4.今天,妈妈买回 英语翻译 we`d like today`s vegetable soup and the spahetti with meat 英语,第五题, —Hi!Kate,will you go traveling with me during the National Day holiday?—___,Jane but I promised my cousin I`d go with herA My pleasure B I`m sorryC Don`t worry D Forget it并给出原因! Many tourist atractions are____from 7:00-10:00 during the Golden Week.A.being openedB.openingC.openedD.open为什么 我做的时候选了C 1.paul was lying on the lawn ,his hands __under his head.A.were crossing B.were crossed C .crossing D crossed 2.he rushed into the room ,his face __with sweat.A.dripping B.dripped C.being dripped D.was dripping OP里的Miss.Golden Week 去哪里了?求大神帮助Miss.Golden Week 在“小花园”的最后结局是什么.好像不了了之了?还有就是"小花园"之后的故事中还有她的戏份吗?据说MR.0~MR.5以及他们的搭档都是能力者, 请问台湾有没有Golden Week(黄金周)吗? THE EYRE CAFé怎么样