
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 08:57:25
There are too many____(fly)in the room and I don't want to stay here any longer I don't know how to do this job.请详细讲解其中的每一个语法知识点, I don't know () to do.考点是?当中的语法是? 元朝的行省制度中,对中央和地区是如何规定的 元朝的行省制度加强中央对地方节制的表现高一历史 元朝在地方实行行省制度,他是如何受中央节制的? 英语翻译可是wonna 是will not的意思翻译出来就不是想要了谁能解释解释 有人说wanna才是want to The students,__ at the way the question was put forward,didn't know how to answer it.Abeing surprised Bsurprised Csurprising Dhaving surprised(请详细回答,thanks a lot.) AFTER THE QUAKE怎么样 After dinner we ___ ___ ___ ___ (去散步) in the school yard last night. so we went home it was late.顺序对吗 用仔字组词,组两个可以组什么呢? That is diffcult? 如何尊师守纪 Shall I take your luggage?– ___ A、No,thanks.I can manage it.B、No,many thanks.I can do.C、No,not necessary.Thank you anyway.D、No,you needn’t.Thank you anyway. 神和化能组什么词? We're going to have an international food festival .此句中的have可以用be代替吗? (1)Let's have an international food festival,shall we?(保持句意不变)(2)He_____ me his camera last week.(sale) I've been looking for you all over the place.还是 I've been all over the place looking for you .I've been all over the place 这个是一个整体吧 意思是 去了所有地方 I've been looking for you all over the place.rt all over the placebe auay fromfeel homesickrushed toworked hardkept doing sthtaught sb have to do sth 李虹很想得到一件礼物——随声听.爸爸怕影响她的学习,不同意买.但李虹最终说服了爸爸,让爸爸给她买了随身听.请你展开想象把两人的对话写完整,并至少用上一句名言警句或诗词佳句. 元旦回家想给老爸带个礼物,但是送爸爸礼物该送什么好呢? No need to get all worked up over this. 翻译"No need to get all worked up over this." 电灯开关,一开5孔的接法,另外,主线上接的有双控,现在灯不会亮. better off alone 的歌词第一句是什么“girl don't be sad. Better Off Alone 歌词 flowers come out when spring comes 这句话的come out为什么不能换成open? When spring comes,we can see many bees and butterflies---(fly)around the flowers. 苹能组什么词 苹的组词