
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 14:17:41
求国外结婚时祖父说的那段英文对白.就是神父说的那些话,什么不论生老病死啊什么的都不离开,直到死神把你们分开什么的, “随便你怎么高兴怎么想” 女孩子说“随便你怎么想”是什么意思? 英语翻译中式婚礼程序Chinese traditional marriage ceremony中国婚礼风俗礼仪 1.食汤圆:新郎在结婚出发前,要与父母兄弟及闺中女友一起吃汤圆,表示离别,母亲喂女儿汤圆,新娘哭.2.讨喜:新郎与女 谁能用英语介绍一下中式婚礼和西式婚礼~ 求人教版九年级上册单词听力mp3 发到 kaye527@163.com 改错 they had a meal ,they went out of a waik and then came back to sleep 急 I had had lunch before they invited before they invited me for meal. It took me a long time before I was able to fully appreciate what they __ for me.A.had doneB.didC.would doD.were doing寻详解 The boy can (play football) The boy can play football now.———the boy play football now. 求八个字的口号本人白酒厂家~求八个字代表企业文化的字要顺口~ did the boy play football when school was over?(保持句意) did the boy play football____ _____? 八个字的爱国口号要押韵的, Tom asked his father ,''when will you come back?''改为间接引语 ( )here in time,they came ( )all the way.A.To get;runningB.Getting;runningC.To get; runD.Getting;to run应该选哪一个原因是什么啊 西北地区和青藏地区为什么以畜牧业为主?急 物流公司跟厂家做总结报告怎么写? 求一农业种植业论文材料 既属于种植业又属于自给农业,粗放农业A.种植园农业  B.水稻种植业C.热带雨林迁移农业D.游牧业 云南哪些地方农业种植业发达想在云南地州上去开个农业灌溉管的店.不知道云南哪些地方农业、种植比较发达,或者说发展较快 反义疑问句的语法.PLEASE TELL ME Please tell me his telephone number.改一般疑问句,并回答 关于高一英语学习,本人现在高一,原来初中英语基础还可以,基本上名次在前面,以后目标是北外或者上外,感觉一方面高中阅读有点难,另一方面不知道怎么样发展英语才能为以后打基础,(我高 高一英语完成句子. 高一英语完成句子. 把下列直接引语改为间接引语1.When will the tourists arrive?2.Why must you leave?3.Who are they? When will you leave__Beijing?填介词 I will leave Shijiazhuang for beijing ,he said 如何变间接引语? 中国平民可以进英国伊顿公学么? “伊顿公学”用英文怎么翻译? They have _ today.(A.them B.a good time C.themselves)