
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 17:24:15
这两道物理题是为什么啊1-2 1My sister _______ a book about France last year but I don't know whether she has finished it .A .had written B.wrote C.was writing2The sports meet has to be __________ because of the heavy rainA.put up B.put on C.put down D.put off3E-mail is very po 初中英语题9为什么选a?6为什么不选c? 初中英语选择,6题 电影《追铺》中,有一私人车被犯罪分子绑上了炸弹,只要车速低于40km/h就会自动爆炸,如果你去救人,你会如何做? 为了防止电池受潮,用一张香烟盒内的箔纸将电池包好放在抽屉里,不久发现电池已严重损坏.请分析电池损坏的原因.快答有奖! 初2物理练习题在沈括的著作《梦溪笔谈》中有下面一段话:“方家(精通学问的专家)以磁石磨针峰,则能指南,然常微偏东,不全南也.”这段话中涉及的两个重要的物理现象是什么? 在插有小树枝的封闭烧瓶中,放入一些卫生球捏碎的粉末,然后放在酒精灯火焰上微微加热烧瓶,停止加热后,烧瓶内树枝上会出现洁白 玲珑的人造“雪景”,这是因为? 如图所示,电源电压保持不变,闭合开关后,L1 L2都发光,一段时间后.其中一盏突然熄灭,电压表示数不变,而电流表的示数边小,产生这一原因是( )A L1断路 B L1短路 C L2断路 D L2短路. 三道初中英语选择题1.There are many kinds of blouses.Can you tell me ▁▁▁? How about this one?It's made in Shanghai.A which one to choose B which one will l chooseC to choose which one2.We can't see any bananas on the tree,there must b jim每年都为贫困地区的孩子捐款英文翻译 英语翻译:呼吁人们捐款 你们多久为需要帮助的人们募捐一次?的英文翻译很急!麻烦大哥大姐们帮帮忙! 题干:The science club made me _____ two years ago.I have _____ the club for two years.A.a member; been a member of B.a member; joined C.join; joined inA 3x-5y-6z=4,2x-2y-3z=5 2x-3y-4z=4 解方程, 人教版初中英语课本听力音频在哪里可以下载? 求2014新版人教版八年级下册英语英语听力MP3格式 人教版初二下册英语听力谁有呀?最好再给俩帮助我学英语的比较好的软件!我是说要MP3格式的听力材料,有视频也行. 新人教版八年级下册英语听力材料人教版新目标英语八年级下册英语听力(课文+听力材料+单词) 七年级下册英语听力 (新版 人教版)请发送到787203280@qq.com 谢谢 I am sorry,i forget to tell you----.a what to do it b what to do c how to do d which to do it 1 Will you please repeat your idea?Certainly.But I think it certain that you _ your attention.A don't pay B hadn't pay C weren't paying D aren't paying 2 It was in the stone house _ was built as a school by local villagers _ the boy finished his prim 在线急求英语选择题详细解答Nobody but the twins ________ some interest in the project till now. A. shows B. show C. have shown D. has shown 求八下人教版英语教科书的GO FOR IT的听力朗读录音315736739@qq.com谢谢 1 The student has won two such gold medals,( )second to none in the lase two competitions,( )all of his classmates adore and dertermine to learn from.Athe thatB/ asCa forD/ because不清楚as是不是只有在the same as 中才可以做宾语2 Every 求八下英语教科书人教版GO FOR IT!的听力录音材料MP3格式~要完整第一单元:Will people have robots?第二单元:What should I do?第三单元:What were you doing when the UFO arrived?这三个单元就ok 求人教版 2012版八下 英语 go for it 录音音频 Go for it 英语磁带录音下载 八下 有没有英语新目标八下 GO for it 的录音 Oh,what a pity!It________ so easy for me to bring those photographs.I wanted to show you,but I’ve left them at the table at home.A.would have been B.would beC.had been D.was为什么 给的是A如果是虚拟语气的话 它属于什么情况的虚 初中英语完形填空和单项选择 无论怎么做都错1到2题 怎么办 My daughter is four,but I wish she______a college student.A.is B.was C.be D.can be 简略的说一下理由!