
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:49:27
Can you help me find some mistakes?If I don't have any question, tell me. Samsung always uses large screens with streamline shells and more than one bottom. 王戎七岁.诸儿竞走之种的之什么意思 所谓伊人,在水一方.出处,诗解. 所谓伊人,在水一方出自什么诗? I’ll bring up the moon and the “所谓伊人,在水一方”的诗名 我要跟你疯狂的最爱 英文怎么翻译? To prove the new theory,the scientist needs to find some grounds __his argument.A which to be based onB on which to baseC which to base onD to which to base on 毛泽东的七律.长征全文意思 1.若关于x的方程有x^2-2|x|-3-a=0 有四个实数根,求实数a的取值范围?2.函数f(x)=log9(x+8-a/x)在[1,正无穷]上单调递增 求a的取值范围?最好很详细的 3q啦) 已知2lg[(x-y)/2]=lgx+lgy,则x/y=?已知函数f(x)=a-1/(2^x+b)为奇函数,则a=? 关于雾特点的词语 所谓伊人在水一方出自那里.全文是,意思是什么 翻译:Everything gose smoothly,so you needn't woorry. 所谓伊人 在水一方 出自哪里?全文呢 所谓伊人,在水一方 出自那里? 阅读《雾》,1.本文先从视觉角度描写雾的特点,这个特点是_______;又从主观感受上描写雾的特点这个特点是————.2.第二段,通过写————,抒发了————的感情;第六段,通过写————, 国庆节所见所闻 作文只要是国庆节所见所闻 的材料都可以.比如 事 旅游好段也可以 Because it rains today,so I am very unhappy.这个句子对吗 because 和 so可以同时出现在一个句子吗 The boys were very unhappy because the teacher 她不高兴因为她的衣服过时了.She is very unhappy because her clothes ___ ___ ___ ___. 冰雪奇缘Anna是一个什么样的女孩英语 ipad2 5.0.1越狱卡在beginning jailbreak,this may take a while...用另一个越狱工具,则为creating backup...,都2~3个小时了!如果行的话, iphone4 5.1.1越狱时一直停在“Beginning Jailbreak,this way take a while”已经恢复出厂了,但还是落在这怎么回事 ipda2越狱到这一步不动了怎么办?他说 Beginning jailbreak,This may take a while... win7版Absinthe2.0越狱时到sending inirial jailbreak data.this may also take a while就停止响应管理员进入也不行 魔法奇缘的英语名字是什么? You're hard working这样说行吗这样讲行得通吗,不行的话,错在哪? 为什么是“you’re working hard today”?可以说是“you worked hard today”吗? You're working hard.对后面两个单词提问 Put it on the table 改为否定句 I can put my hat no 否定句 You're working____hard,and you're letting the boss take advantage of you选项:A.too veryB.mach tooC.too machD.far谢啦··· i don't like to disturb you,because you're quite tired() working hard today.Aof B with C out D on be tired of 意“厌烦” be tired A不也可翻译的通么?