
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 17:12:50
德语中wo,wohin,woher如何分辨?我知道wohin是往哪里去woher是从哪里来但它们和wo又如何分辨,有何区别呢? 八十大寿 请贴怎么写 一碗牛肉面读了这篇文章你的收获是什么不少于15字 一碗牛肉面 主要内容急. 一碗牛肉面短文中最后一段,以"我"此时的心理活动. 文章:一碗牛肉面的结尾是什么?(一对父子这条线索) 德语R之前那个音是不是基本都发清辅音? 德语中怎么准确发出r的音,一般需要练多长时间才能练出来. 英译中 谢xxxx will let you have the details of merchandise that we are looking for. 英译中谢Lin Jie doesn't want to discard anything so her sneakers that she wore last year have been used as key-boxes. 英语翻译Many Americans would deny the existence of a single American culture partly because there is such racial diversity in the country. 英译中 10句.谢啦.【1】A child learning to talk does not learn by being corrected all the time :if corrected too much,he will stop talking【2】If someone receive a call during sleeping hours ,he may think that it's a matter of life and death 头晕晕的,是怎么了 琳的英文怎么写? 家琳的英语怎么拼写 请问意琳的英文怎么写? ,好运,翻译成英文,怎么读, 幸运每一天快乐每一天.用英语怎么读 谁能帮我翻译一下(英译中)Understand you if hope looks for a man , had better look for a man to accommodate self to you. 快··· 英语翻译The guarantor shall within five business days following the day of presentation determine if a demand is complying.This period is not curtailed or otherwise affected by the expiry of the guarantee on or after the date of presentation. 联系短文《一碗牛肉面》,展开你的想象:几年后,这对父子幸福温馨地生活着.请续写结尾一碗牛肉面读大学的那几年,每逢双休日我就到姨妈的小饭店里打工.记忆中,那是一个春寒料峭的黄昏, 《一碗牛肉面》续写:联系短文,想象几年后,这对父子温馨的生活着.100——200字 一碗牛肉面的结尾是什么?(一对父子这条线索) There's a g__who is very beautiful. i won't give it to her,if she doesn't ask for it.(同义句) i won't give it to her_she_foe it 哈利波特与死亡圣器 英语观后感稍微长一点 我爱你琳英语怎么说 啊帆的英文名取什么好? The girl is beautiful callde Nancy.中的“callde Nancy”在句子中做什么成分?如题 名为“帆”,请帮忙取个男的英文名!一直喜欢鸢尾这个网名,所以给自己取了一个叫Iris的英文名,用了10年了.现在工作关系偶尔要出国,Iris这个名字是女名会被笑话,我的名字是“帆”,恳请为我 The girl called Nancy is beautiful.如题