
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 09:02:27
英语翻译Species were selected with respect to theiraffiliation to defined functional groups (grasses,forbs,leguminousforbs),to life span (perennials),to overall importance in nearby andCentral European grassland systems,and to the fact that they l went to the zoo with my father .we_____ _____.And then l_____ _____ _____.What about you?Where did you go?l went by______.What did you do?l _____ _____.lt was fun.Did you_____ _____.yes.Look!This is for you!Thank you very much! Yestday I () to the zoo with my father. 雅思作文题:To what extent have festivals become too commercial?外教出的题,不太懂要写些什么内容,求高手指点下大概写些什么呃?写的段落格式? i seem you have to go and say goodbye to me .to some extent i want saty with you . 用张冠李戴造句 【张冠李戴】造句 take hat to your sister 18岁学英语还学的会吗? some basketball players have become rich f_____playing basketball 张冠李戴的造句 They have a basketball.用some改写句子 five your to pictures brother take the 连词成句 翻译 你认为你的生活将是怎么样的?what do you think your life ( )( )?what do you think your life ( )( ) like? 你认为你的生活悲哀吗 盐城的环境怎么样?投资环境,创业环境,就业环境,生活环境,等等 盐城气候那边 最高温是多少,最低温室多少,谢 江苏盐城能种多年生黑麦草吗~冬天有时温度-10左右夏天温度有时38度左右这气候能生长吗? 盐城的气候如何,盐城地处江苏省的北面,马上要到那边去读书,不知道要带点什么衣服过去,如果冷的话,现在那边的温度是多少啊,冬天时候的最低温度是多少啊,会经常下雨吗. the book is here连词成句 1.who are they ( )the picture?2.please take the Engilsh book ( )your brother. Please take these thing ( ) your brother 张冠李戴造句 求类似何以笙箫默里面的经典句子或者致我们终将失去的青春里面很多经典句子都很好,有没有类似的.百度百科里面一般名小说都有经典句子,不麻烦,直接粘贴过来就可以了.(复制其他人的 翻译:约翰正考虑去意大利度假 现象与本质是一对矛盾吗?如果是怎样相互转化. 矛盾、 发展的前进性 曲折性、 现象和本质 、 偶然 必然的论述 the Green family ( )( ) lives here.是填no longer吗?我还有两个小问题.the Green family 算是个单数吗?那the Greens 你的生活是怎么样调节的?愉快的活着! 你最喜欢的花是什么;向大家介绍一下,写清楚它的颜色、形状、特点,要写出对它的喜爱之情 your father has been to GuangZhou twice,( has he,hasn't he,doesn't he,isn't he为什么选b 为什么人与人之间关系的本质是冲突呢?用萨特的理论解释~为什么人与人之间关系的本质是冲突呢?哪位高人可以用萨特的《存在主义是一种人道主义》中的理论 从几个方面~