
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 23:33:05
帮我找一下语法和拼写错误吧 谢谢! 主耶稣的英文怎么写 请帮忙检查语法拼写错误Heart disease is the No.1 killer in the USA and many other countries,as a result,the technologies used to diagnosis heart disease expanded rapidly in the past 30 years,from the traditional x-ray and ultrasound imaging 帮忙修改语法拼写错误请不要批评文章不好..只是作业 修改语法和拼写错误就可以了 谢谢There is a world call Ice-sweet, and connect the world we live by tunnel. But people never found that before, until a brothers los 关于钱学森的议论文主要突出他的精神和贡献.最好有事例,夹叙夹议.400... 完美与残缺阅读题答案朋友搬进了新居,数位好友齐聚,贺其乔迁之喜. 主人不俗,懂得享受生活,虽不富裕,屋子却布置得简单而富有情趣.阳台很宽敞,悬挂着几盆花花草草,红绿相间,疏密有致, 救世主用英语怎么说 “救世主”英语怎么说? ”奉耶稣基督的名"用英语怎么说?还有"我心尊主为大"?这两句用英语怎么说? 在社会主义本质理论中,社会主义的根本目标是解放生产力,发展生产力还是最终达到共同富裕?根本目标到底是不是最终目标,我都弄糊涂了! 以主耶稣的名义,英语怎么说 耶稣教徒 英语怎么说 新目标GO FOR IT英语七、八、九年级所有的单词 正比例怎么弄 怎么才是有正比例关系不好意思,是有成正比例函数关系 正比例应该怎么计算 怎么知道是不是正比例 不是救世主 英文怎么说?如题,是不是Not Savior,要不要加the,因为the是特指,也就是指定是哪一个savior,可不可以不加the 就像i am not savior. 关于耶稣的故事英文回答! It is raining now 同义句 It‘s raining now 的同义句是什么快 It's raining heavily now.(同义句)The rain is _____ _____ now. 综合61.Some people would rather ride bicycles as bicycle riding has( )of the trouble of taking buses.(nothing / none / some / neither)这题选什么,理由是. i would rather ride a bike as bike riding has ____of the trouble of taking busesa much b all c neither d none选什么为什么考察什么语法 10.Most of us would rather ride bicycles as bike-riding has_______ of the trouble of taking buses空应为none some people would rather ride bicycles as bicycle-riding has none of the trouble of taking buses.如何翻译 生活中有哪些现象属于正比例 社会主义的根本任务是——,根本目的是——.a实现全体人民的共同富裕 解放和发展生产力b解放和发展生产力 实现全体人民的共同富裕 c消灭剥削,消除两极分化 实现全体人民的共同富裕 d自 排列 most,ride,fun,for,young,people,bicycle如题 Why do not most people go to work by bike even in developed countries? 什么叫正比例 什么叫正比例?^0^快,快,快1!^0^GO,GO,GO!^-^举例啊