
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 07:12:16
若lx+4|和|y_2l互为相反数,求x+(-y)的值 已知lx-3l与l2y一3l互为相反数,求x一y分之x十y的值 如果lx+4l与(x+y)的2次方互为相反数 那么x的y次方等于 已知lx+2l和(y-3)*2互为相反数,求-x+x*y的值 吝啬的反义词是 若|x+4|与|y+2|互为相反数,求x+y的值. 若\x-4\和\y+2\互为相反数,求x-y+4的值 若|X-4|与|Y+2|互为相反数,求X+Y+4的值 若x,y互为相反数,且(x+2)^2-(y+1)^2=4,求x,y的值. 参数方程 吝啬的反义词是什么? 吝啬的反义词 I have bought the same dress __ she is wearing .A as B that C which正确答案是A,为什么C不行?如果没有A选项,选B或C可以吗? -She doesn't want to work with people _____are hard to get along well with.-Neither do I,or any of us,right?A,that B,those C,whom D,whose 初中定语从句题1.is this factory your father opened?a./ b.which c.the one d.where这道题我们老师说选c可她自己也说不通为什么?(这老师)2.that's the museum we visited last year.a.where b.there c.which d.in which这题我 设a,b为两个不同的数,规定a#b=(a+b)÷4,求q#16=10中q的值 给我起个2字网名类似:芥末,奶瓶,奶嘴的网名. 哥们们速求关于《自信》的作文 齐整的反义词 小气的反义词 马上就高三了 文综只有140 数学100 语文80 英语只能靠天收了 这样的成绩我一点信心都没有,朋友们说可以学马上就高三了 文综只有140 数学100 语文80 英语只能靠天收了 这样的成绩我一点信心 慷慨的反义词对小气行吗 英文好数学好的朋友帮我一下~有过程最好,直接给结果也行The altitude of a triangle is increasing at a rate of 2.500 centimeters/minute while the area of the 1.000 square centimeters/minute. At what rate is the base of the triangl 无私的反义词可以是小气吗? 你读过的经典书有哪些?对你产生很大影响的书又有哪些?最想读的是哪本? 初中定语从句考什么怎么做题!好我加分 定语从句Have you ever been to the new sports center____ is just opened in town?空里面填that 还是where?为什么?我觉得该填that,我是这样想的,new sports center是个具体的地点,可以把他看作一个刚开业的什么东西, 松懈的近义词和反义词 定语从句(初中)The one thing ( )we should do is to go to bed earlierA,thatB,whileC,whatD,it 幼稚、吝啬、庸俗的反义词 关于初中的定语从句A lot of new countries whose names I had never heard of before were shown on the map.这里引导词为什么是whose 而不是which 或者 that 虽然后面是names 但是还是觉得有点矛盾啊 因为先行词countrie 把这几个前面是主句,后面是从句的句子 写成定于从句1.This is a doctor .He was late for school .2.This is the room .We lived in last year.3.The watch is very nice.He gave me the watch for my brithday.4.This is the girl .He worked w 在半径为5cm的圆O中,AB,CD是互相垂直的两条弦,垂足为P,且AB=CD=8,则OP的长为