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求八下英语第九单元典中点答案 七年级上册英语典中点9单元答案(人教版) 典中点七下英语答案8.9单元 八下英语典中点9单元答案我要单元测试的! 初一上册英语典中点答案64页SectionB有全部的更好(请不要让我拿题出来,太多了 不要让我再去买一本,现在是不可能出去买的) P50~51的啊 (人教的) 初一英语(典中点)Koalas are from __________.They'er cute.They sleep _________ and get up to eat leaves ___________.It's fun.主要问后两个空的答案 我要现成的 典中点英语六下答案全部的,快速, 典中点六下数学答案快点 典中点六下数学58页的第5题答案一串珠子按一黑一白一黑两白一黑三白一黑一白之后用一个盒子盖上了,接着是两白一黑九白一黑,问盒子里有几颗珠子? 要全 美术组有54人,比体育小组少1/3,两个小组一共有多少人?1-1/3=2/3 54×2+3/2=54×5/2=135(尽量讲清楚些) 六年级下《典中点》上的一道数学题...教育储蓄所得的利息不需要纳税.王兵的爸爸为王兵存了10000元教育储蓄,年利率是3.69%,到期后连本带利取回11107元,那么存期是几年?麻烦大家了. 谁能帮我找下小学六年级上册人教版数学典中点答案 六年级下册数学典中点的一道题.怎么做?一堆黑白棋子,从中取走白子15粒,余下的黑子数与白子数之比为2:1,此后,又取走黑子45粒,余下的黑子数与白子数之比为1:5,那么这堆棋子原来有多少粒? 六年级下册《典中点》数学题.红花比黄花少2/5,黄花比红花多( )/( ).答案是2/3.谁能告诉我为什么. 问一个初一英语语法题问a little,little,few,a few的区别? 初一英语第1.2.3.4小题 初一英语2,4题 一道初一英语习题,请帮忙,谢谢了will anyone go on trip with him?1 I 2 me 3 she 4 my It's a good idea to( )a small present when you go to a birthday party in England or the USA. 帮忙分析对错(初一英语)句子的本意是"A:你喜欢什么面?B:羊肉和土豆"我翻译成"A:What noodles would you like?B:Mutton and potatoes,please."我总觉得"What noodles "不通顺 根据上下文补全对话A.Where【 】my book?B.I【 】know.【 】it in your backpackA.No,it 【 】B.Is it on your deskA.No,it isn'tB.Is it on the teacher's deskA.NO,it isn'tB.Oh,look 【 】on that deskA.I see it,too .Thanks .介词填空Put t 第一个题 根据上下文补全对话A.Who's that man?B.He's my fatherA.【 】that woman?B.【 】my motherA.【 】that your sister?B.Yes,you're rightA.【 】her name B.Cathy根据句意填写单词My father's father is my【 】My parents' son is my【 】 she has five --------(baseball).-------you---------(play)computer games ------he-------(have)a tennis racket? (单项选择)1.We all find that playing sport is ____.A.relaxing B.relaxed C.relax relaxed(用适当的词替换句中画线部分)1.They don't have any Chinese textbooks.(画线部分don't have any )A.have some B.don't buy C.have no D. 初一英语下册期中试卷(1)新目标(2)2010年度期中试卷 求“初一英语下册模块试题”,急!要试卷和答案. What do you often do after class at your school?You__21___say you go home and do _22____homework.But I think we can have _23___other things to do after class.One is to__24___different clubs ,like the art club and the music club.What can you do If you 初一英语阅读理解和完形填空的有哪本好