
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 02:35:46
英语当中名词和动名词啥区别? 英语的动名词和名词有什么区别吗?如题.为什么不能用the inventing of radio而必须用the invention of the radio.或者 不用resource for developing 而只能用resources for development 呢?望好心人帮下忙,不胜感激. 英语动名词与名词的区别The (discover) of oil on their land made the family rich.老师讲的填discovery,那可不可以加ing变成动名词呢?动名词和名词又有什么区别呢? 有help sb. do sh.那有没有help sb. to do sh. 用take place造2个句子 世界第一个 英语怎么说 用take place /happen造个现在完成时的句子.1.用take place /happen 各造一个现在完成时的句子.2.现在完成时是不是 后面如果没跟for+时间段 连用的话,可以表示动作在过去已经结束,或完成.说明 事情 请问go swimming和have a swim有什么区别 tell sb to do sth造句子 take a 如上 take a nap的中文意思 Take a nap和Have a nap都可以用吗?看美剧《杰西驾到》里杰西说take a nap,看英剧《神秘博士》里博士说have a nap.百度了下,这两个短语都存在.我的问题是:这两个短语之间的关系是等同的,还是有一 打个小盹的英文怎么说?不要take a nap的表达, take a nap 音标 Shall we go for a swim?和shall we go for a swimming?那个正确?swim和swimming都有名词游泳的意思 do you enjoy swimming? swim 既是动词也是名词那swimming为什么不能改为swim但是enjoy后接名词或动名词,swim 既是动词也是名词,改接哪种形式啊 求英文诗全文 where are the flowers gone这首诗是反映二战的.范玮琪的《那些花儿》里收了一部分,我想要这首诗的全文.不是歌词。我记得那首诗的中文翻译大致是:花儿去哪里了?花儿被姑娘摘 Where are the mirrors?它的英语回答. 英语翻译“looking for a new place to dream when i am running.”上面这句表达的语法有错误么? 语法解释Do your best to talk with people in chinesedo one's best to do =try one's best to do Can your American friend ( ) you in Chinese A speak B talk to C say Nancy can speak only ______ Chinese,but he tries to talk with us.C.a few D.a li The Frenchman didn't know how to _____ this word in Chinese .选speak,tell,say,talk中哪一个? 脑筋急转弯1.Who can stop a car with one hand only?_____2.What kind of hand cannot hold only?______呵呵 我才郁闷呢 这是个脑筋急转弯哦 一流的用英语怎么说 英语翻译在课堂上仔细地听老师讲课是很重要的(it,important,in class)我最喜欢的人事葛优,他是个好笑的人!(funny,person) He hope he can speak Chinese哪里错了 I can't speak chinese是什么意思?知道的说下, I can't speak 帮我翻译下, Who can stop a car with one hand only? What kind of hand cannot hold anything? What kind of man can who can stop acar with one hand only? -Where's the park?-lt's _______ the post office.A.onB.inC.acrossD.across from