
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 20:18:59
you like do chinese Kungfu,come and join us改错 你会玩中国功夫,表演给我们看为什么是 you can play Chinese kungfu,come and show us. Do you come from China?否定回答 Is your brother‘s work interesting?肯定回答Do you like cartoons?否定回答Can you play football?肯定回答Are they busy on Saturdays?否定回答 Your shoes__(mend).You'd better come to get them in an hour sin2a即(-sina)^2等于sin^2还是-sin^2 谁能帮我把《张梦哲》这个名字翻译成英文.或者只翻译《梦哲》两个字 英语翻译直接在词典上翻译来的就不要回答了哈 you can feel the energy from your feet move up your bodymove为什么不加s move your body 汉语歌名叫什么? move your body看见考虑 一道全国高考英语阅读理解的句子!Every country has its heroes.The heroes are the people the nation and especially the young people admire.If you get a list of the heroes of a nation,it will tell you the potential of that nation.If today 求分析高考英语阅读的一个句子Anyone who cares about what schools and colleges teach and how their students learn will be interested in the memoir(回忆录)of Ralph W.Tyler,who is one of the most famous men in American education.请 I want some apples.把这句话改为反问句(英文的) I________ ___________some apples? 英语阅读理解 改句子If you could be any other person,wbo would it be?If I could be another person,I would be my grandmother.Because she has done a lot for me and I would like to do something nice for her.So I would become her and do things fo 如何攻下高三英语阅读理解长句? 英语翻译 帮我起一个英文名,我中文名字后面两个字是weiyuan,我希望有个谐音的英文单词作英文名像依文的谐音英文名叫even.我的中文名字貌似找不到合适的英文名,日行一善吧英语大神们! 谁帮我想一个英文单词网名.追加200分.要求是一个英文单词.最好只有我有这个名字.这个名字的意思最好像COVER一样.谁能帮我找一个这样的单词呢.追加200分,说到做到,最好这个单词可以与部队 英语翻译希望是那种小女生的。风格清新,类似lemon sour这样的。一定要风格清新。一样物品+怎么样(adj)多写几个。 (改为一般疑问句)I can sing some songs.( )( )sing any songs? 山田凉介懂英语吗?他会说吗? What makes a Chinese person Chinese?What do you think are the features that define the Chinese什么使中国人是中国人,什么特点定义中国人. 高中生用什么英汉词典好是精订版的,能方便携带的主要是用来根据中文查英文的 what do you think of the people and the things you saw in the countryside?A.which B.that我要分析. 懂英语的进,谢谢请你帮我把这几句话翻译成英语!谢谢了!1.在想你的时候,我都只能咬着自己的手指哭泣.2.我只在乎你现在是否是对我动了心用了情.3.和你在一起的时候我是真的真的很快乐很 1.What do you _____of the trip?2.____ _____ students ___ ___ ___ get to school?全世界的学生是怎样去上学的?3.They ___ ____ a ropway to ___ the river to school.他们通过一条索道跨过河流去上学4.How long ___ it ___ by train to 有首英文歌,蛮动感的,里面说唱的部分一直在唱:Put your hands up女生唱的,很动感…很熟悉,老想不起是什么歌… 求一首英文歌,歌词有put your hands up几个词的比较轻快的,女唱的,在人家的婚礼录像那里听到的,put your hands up是连续几句的其它忘记了 好听的英文名字 女孩 希望比较特别的 比如crystal 英语翻译sorry,忘记说男女. 求懂英文的进第一:Android system recovery 第二:volume up/down to move highlight;enter button to select.第三:reboot system now 第四:apply update from ADE 第四:apply update from sdcard 第五:apply update from cache 第六:wipe What's that____Chinese?A.at B.to C.in D.on