
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 12:26:13
You have been here,的have Have you been bad?在布拉德皮特新片预告里看到 一个女人问男人.bad是变坏?坏男孩那种意思?还是境况不好 生活情况不好那种意思? you have been beautifu 什么意思哈 It is important for us all ()(stay)healthystay的形式 It's important (stay)___ healthy2 She is very quiet and doesn't enjoy ____(go) to the party SQL中的not between and 包括等号吗 SQL语言中,条件年龄BETWEEN AND的用法 comes,food,he,no,school,with,to(连词组句) They are everyh_in china. Everyhh后面是什么,求大神是首字母填空,h后面因该是什么有道里查出来个everyhow。。。。。本大神都想了好久。。。。。。大神在哪里呀,大神在哪里? To distinguish between翻译 【童话译吧】in the book,between the leaves,lies a rose,quite flat and dry汉语,地道些, 太阳双子 上升摩羯 月亮双鱼 金星巨蟹 木星天蝎. 求高人指教分析. I am going to watch a soccer game_____Chinese team and Japanese team.A.between B.of Are they all _____(China)?Are they all in______(China)?适当形式填空 When are they arrving ___China?填空 用动词的适当形式填空.用括号里面的单词.1.China has many( )(city).they are pretty.2.Chongqing is( )(beautiful) than Lhasa.3.Shanghai is ( )(big) than Shenzhen.4.Which man is ( )(fat),Tom,Jim,or Kim?5.Guangdong ( )(have) many rivers. one of a kind is more than one can tolerate 求翻译,翻译软件复制的别来 霍光 在汉武帝死后,是忠臣吗? 他辅佐了谁?是昭帝吗?他是辅佐了 昭帝吗?——就是那个 勾亦夫人的儿子刘弗陵吗?还有异昌王是谁? 听说什么霍光 有所谓 废立 事——是怎么回事? lt drinks a lot of fish的过去式 i have bought a lot of fish in the market this can take .if you like.填a little还是a few求详解! 为何现代人都认为史弥远是奸臣而说意图谋反的韩侂胄是忠臣?真德秀败坏史弥远名声为什么不说啊? 如何评价南宋中期的宰相韩侂胄,真的是奸臣吗? 三国时期魏国的忠臣是谁,奸臣又是谁.请举出历史事件 I used to watch a lot of TV(改为否定句)I did’t watch too much TV()() 请教培养英文兴趣的好方法,如何记住单词,我是记得快,忘得也快! The fishermen caught a lot of fish,didn’t __________? Look!( )fish( )swimming in it!A.much;is B.many;are C.much;are D.many;is Rian before seven,fine before eleven翻译 组句:at,the,kinds,of,look,fish,different.如题. 永远的··· 希望用英语表示 什么是三角梅勒杜鹃 怎么看是勒杜鹃 怎么分辨 三角梅看样子不像是梅花吧,为什么叫梅呢?