
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 07:56:18
第四题,为什么eat后面加s 后两题eat加s吗? i like to eat mother's cooking为什么妈妈后面要加‘s 谁吃什么东西who后面的eat要不要加s? 翻译我已经读过这本书啊用(finish doing sth) 英语翻译比如:我不是不想来 而是没时间别翻成肯定的 要双重否定 (1)our school is ( ) ( ) ( )his house.(1)his house is behind our schhl.求同义句 (2)can you tell me the way ( )the airport.(填适当的介词) a wide range it`s usually too much for me to eat翻译 I usually eat meals ( ) chopsticks 像also usually 这样的助词后面加动词原形还是按照三单形式?例如he likes eat fruit里面eat能+s吗? ____ you bought any books?Yes,I ____ some two week ago.A.Have,have bought B.Did,bought C.Have,bought D.Did,have bought选择题 1、He bought lots of books ______ ______ _______ .2、He was very old and had to r_____ from work at last.3、Many years ago,most of Chinese were poor but now they are r______.请说明原因第一题汉语提示:用这些钱 I gave him two books=He was given two books还是 He was given two books by me ”亟“这个字原来我念了这么多年错的,我一直念亟(shì)待解决的! I eat rice for lunch 中eat加不加s 将含糖率为70%的糖水500g,和含糖率为50%的糖水300g混合,求混合后的含糖率 这个字 亟 念什么啊 谁能说下 有甲、乙两杯糖水含糖率不同.甲杯糖水重120克,乙杯糖水重80克,现在从甲有甲、乙两杯糖水含糖率不同.甲杯糖水重120克,乙杯糖水重80克,现在从甲、乙两杯倒出等量的糖水,并交换倒入杯内,这 Tom spent RMB 10 on the book.(改两个同义句,一句用pay 一句用cost) 吃得好用英文说是eats well还是eat well 吃得好是用 " eat good "还是用"eat well 请帮我看看这3个句式哪个是正确的,再帮我讲解一下每个句子结构好么that is the world where we live that is the world we livethat is where we live 通告的作用 pet英语四级难吗?是PETS4级!不是大学英语! 考pet口语四级要什么条件? pet四级究竟相当于什么水平? A is B's sister.They are both twelve.怎么合成一句?回答要这样填:A and B are ( )( 史上最没有素质的人是谁?大家来说说现实生活中碰到最没有素质的人是谁呢?看看有没有共同的人. 我想跟你咨询一下 你那个考PET 用新概念的书 有空回答我一下吧 我也很想了解. Are there Martians on Mars ? What do you think?什么意思,用英语怎么回答 一什么耳朵用量词