
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 04:17:53
bail out Wall Street the American people would never have to bail out Wall Street again.译文上写成美国人再也拥有露宿华尔街了,我觉得不对呀,bail out 到底怎么翻译呀 世界上有没有天生一只眼的动物?为什么?要有科学依据,光下结论谁不会啊 在区域{x/0≤x≤1}与{y/0≤y≤1}的交集内任取一点p(x,y),则X^十y^<1的概率 bail out the bank 什么动物只有一只眼睛呢?不要说什么独眼龙之类的,我想知道具体的物种和它生长的地域. 昂首嘶鸣是什么意思 昂首观之的昂首什么意思 甲乙丙3人的平均分是86分,甲比乙多6分,丙比乙少3分,三人格考了多少分?两题五年级共有100人采集树种,平均每人采集0.6千克,其中女生40人,平均每人采集0.45千克,男生平均每人采集树种多少千克 英语翻译2pac的这首歌曲的歌词听起来貌似很极端!但是我并不知道这首歌曲的大意,希望高手翻译一下2pac的out on bail 嘶鸣什么意思 英语翻译Many of the boys’ parents visited the dorm(宿舍) on Sunday.The ones who didn’t will visit their sons any time. 在一次数学测验中,甲乙丙的平均分是93分乙丙的平均分是95分甲乙的平均分是94分,甲乙丙三人各得多少分? 1.---I wonder why Iam so tired tonight.---Well,it is time you____.A went to bed B went to sleep2.This book falls into the______of building books.希望有详解.第二题选项A kind B category 再一次数学测验中,甲和乙的平均分是93分,乙和丙的平均分是95分,甲和丙的平均分是94.甲乙丙各多少分? 英语翻译①But this should not cloud the issue that extending a theory,such as the SSTH/GTVH,to allow it to handle the different genres of humor is significant and not at all trivial.② the audience is free to react seriously both to 这里有一道英语问题 望指教!——Thank you very much.——It's my (). 一个数学小组有甲、乙、丙三个人,数学测验甲、乙二人平均分是91分,甲、丙二人平均分是95分,乙、丙二人平均分是87分.求这个小组平均分是多少? 19.I’m sure these documents will be___great value to you.A.about B.from C.with D.of20.This furniture is not suitable for our use,but maybe we could give it to___.A.another one B.someone else C.the others D.each other21.The examiner made us___our ID 用交卸,狼藉,妥帖,颓唐,琐屑,簌簌 踌躇 嘱托 蹒跚 祸不单行 淋漓尽致 选四个词组一段话 一道英语题,请各位指教啊!After final examinations,the students will stay at their classroom for a little while,____ they will have a get-together.A.which B.that C.when D.where It is important that we ( )the news secret.A:must keep B:would keep C:should keep D:kept应该选哪个,为什么 翻译如果你仍然紧张,就不必去了 花鹩哥怎吗养 多数人晚上不能睡8小时.他们处于紧张与焦虑中.英语翻译 花鹩哥吃什么 我没做完作业是I haven't finished my work 还是didn't? 昂首挺立的意思 (2/4)rnings and music sales.console and hardware sales alone accounted for nearly 33per cent ($8...(2/4)rnings and music sales.console and hardware sales alone accounted for nearly 33per cent ($8.7 billion)of the market in 2002.in addition.blockbuste 昂首挺立什么意思啊 that company has a vacant position for a designer and have already it stood for accounted forapplied for fought forcompany has a vacant position for a designer and have already it stood for B accounted for applied for fought for 昂首挺立是什么意思 昂首挺立的意思(急)