
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 12:41:23
编码20种氨基酸的DNA核苷酸三联体有多少种?为什么(原理) you ( ) good at english.填空并翻译 从大鼠肝脏分离一个蛋白质含192个aa残基,已知由1440bp的基因编码,氨基酸残基与基因的核苷酸对之间的关系192个氨基酸与1440bp 怎样的换算关系? 求一个奴隶冒充西班牙贵族抗击波兰人当上俄罗斯沙皇的俄罗斯电影.好像叫16XX什么的 【世界史前辈进】苏联上世纪30年代的大清洗运动为什么将矛头对准波兰人? 英语翻译不一定全是,但比例很大!投一阵看欧洲杯,报球员名时发现的!很多么? 波兰三次亡国为什么这么恨俄国?波兰三次亡国为什么只对俄罗斯痛恨这么深,当时主导的还有普鲁士,这三次亡国是怎么回事?如何发生引起的,时间是多少?分了又复国分别是什么时候,最后一次 焦头烂额的意思 焦头烂额的 意思 焦头烂额是神马意思 焦头烂额的意思,聪明的学霸,急…! 英语翻译GOOD LUCK WITH YOU!MY DREAM DO YOU KNOW这是什么意思. I have a question! i have a question for youNearly a week passed before the girl was able to explain what had happened to her.One afternoon she set out from the coast in a small boat and was caught in a storm.Towards evening,the boat struck a rock and the girl jumped i I WANT YOU TO BE HAPPY Baby you want to be happy I in donot belong to your cityseeks belongs to your shabowI forever love youI will do 是什么?》 请教有关"I want you to be happy "的语法现象今天遇到二句简单英语,但十分想不通它们的语法及意义的区别:I want you to be happy.I want you to happy.这二句从语法结构上讲,有啥不同?第一句中为啥用be happ the key is already being used by another computer我玩cod5是时跳出这些词,我全部通关了,现在不能选关卡了,怎么回事,难道得重玩一遍吗? The computer could have been used by them.改为一般疑问句应该是? Don't shut love out of your life by saying it's impossible.中文意思 The email address or password is incorrect.Please try again. Please type your email address in the format yourname@example.com.是什么意思 Don't shut drop love out of your life by saying it's impossible to find.The quickest way to reserve love is to give.The fastest way to lose love is to hold too tightly.The best way to keep love is to give it wings.具体是什么以上? 点工是什么意思 英语翻译Are you really being lnvited?If someone asks if you are free at a certain time and invites you to an event,you are not required to commit yourself until you know what the invitation is for.For example,if you say that you’re free and the You‘re killing 主族元素和副族元素的电子排布有什么不同的特征 他很忙,整天在工作翻译成He is ( ).He works ( ) ( ) 翻译:"kevin's father works in a computer company.he goes to work very early. Mike works very every day very和every中间应该填什么? Each player makes one_(move)to a question填写?为什么?中文? she lost the final to another great tennis player怎么翻译?