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英语阅读短文 请认真答题 Tom写了一封信给她的妈妈,她看完后有一些地方不明白,Dear Mum I watched a video about Sunshine Town.It is a new town in Beijing.It is only 40 minutes from the centre of Beijing by underground.There 我的英语较差,什么副词,介词等等都不会用,还有different,difference不知道怎么用它, 若关于x的方程2f(x)f(a(x-1)/(x+1))在(2,正无穷大)上有两个不同的实根定义在R上的函数y=f(x)满足:对任意的x,y属于R都有f(x)+f(y)=f[根号下(x^2+y^2)]成立,f(1)=1,当x>0时,f(x)>0.前两问我已经写了,结论是奇 初一英语阅读理解!求助!前面是问路的一些无关紧要的话,重要的:“Open the door with your foot.”says John.“With?”says Henry,“Why?”“Well,you won`t come to my house empty-handed,will you?”says John.翻译:empty-h 已知函数f(x)=2/x,x≧2,f(x)=(x-1)³,x≦2,若关于x的方程f(x)=k有两个不同的实根,则实数k的取值范围. 初一英语的阅读理解麻烦帮我答一下这个阅读,并把这个阅读和问题的中文给我 Air is all around us.At the time we are born,air is around us on every side.We live in air. All living things need air.Living things cannot Chinese food is quite different ____ American food.A form B.with They like English food ____ it's quite different from Chinese food.A now that B for C though D si Chinese food is quite _____American food.A.different from B.the same as C.similar to D.different to 行行好,4篇初三的英语周记 阅读理解Here is a picture.It's a picture of my classroom.In the classroom there are some students.David is next to June.June is between Zhang Jun and David.There is an English book on my dask.It is a new book.And there are some pencils on it,too. 急求初中生寒假周记4篇 寒假周记4篇寒假要过完了我还差4篇周记,555555555555~ 英语翻译whoops,looks like something went wrong 请把英语翻译成中文:She finds something wrong with the bird. 英语翻译We're sorry,but something went wrong.We've been notified about this issue and we'll take a look at it shortly. something,sometimes went terribly wrong怎么理解这话? I went in the wrong way 英语翻译 我的英语四级听力曾经有过低于100,不是说有一个基础分101的吗? 英语四级听力多少分? 宾语从句主语为第一人称I或we 时,反义疑问句与从句保持一致 这话对吗我觉得要与从句保持一致的话不仅要主语为第一人称 还要谓语动词是think believe 之类的 如果谓语动词是know的话就算主 英语反意疑问句,这题是不是答案错了啊,有believe,反意疑问句不是应该与从句中的主语保持一致吗 反意疑问句如果主句从句都是第一人称对哪个提问?比如说I think I am a good student.______ Please ___ your photos ___ me.请把你的照片给我看看 关于英语中疑问句做主语的宾语从句问题··!Do you know _______?A.what he happened B.what the matter is with himC.what happened to him D.what did he happened列如这道题,正确答案是C·····Do you know.后面的宾语从句为 关于英语的宾语从句的主语和宾语前后一致的问题.句子:BY the way,did you know that my family has owned a boat since 1920?此句中,主句是一般过去式,从句却是现在完成时,不是说宾语从句前后时态一致吗? 英语宾语从句,主语和宾语怎么变?要有例句. 跪求迪拜的英文介绍,2分钟左右的要英文的!大哥大姐们!谢谢了啊! 英语中宾语,主语,谓语,副词,宾语从句,主语从句是什么,希望能举例 关于夏天的英文句子并翻译成中文 英语翻译疑问句的题!好的加分!1. The little boy hurt his foot,_______ _______?2. You were late yesterday,________ ________ ?3. The little girl could hardly speak at the age of 3,________ ________ ?4. There is little water left,________ ___ 大学英语四级中听力对10个到11个左右可以拿到多少分?