
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 19:11:20
My teacher ___(leave) the books on the desk. 与您的提问“paintings,there,on,the,all,walls,children's,are连词成句怎么做? the children are going to school on foot.对划线部分提问 The children nsisted ____ there on foot A they going B they would go C on their going D going 一个三位数,十位上的数字是0,个位数上的是1,如果将百位上的数字与个位上的数字调换,则比原数小99,求原数要式子. The All American Rejects的中文翻译成什么? 英语翻译Now we're broken on the floor She just wants me to share her It hasn't been this way before She just wants me to dare her The phone rings And she screams Stab my back It's better when I bleed for you Walk on me It never was enough to do C 急求四季好词好句!必须十条以上! 英语翻译Please just don't play with me My paper heart will bleedThis wait for destiny won't doBe with me please I be seach youSimple things,that make you run a-wayCatch you if I canTears fall,down your faceThe taste,is something newSomething that Lemonade is the commonest of all American summer drinks 翻译 it is bad weather tobay改为感叹句 一个问题中含有on the back foot 三阶魔方公式是啥意思?F(RUR'U')F 《祝福》中雪花声的作用 The usually go to work on foot,but they are seldom late.A.So are we B.Tt is the same with us这两个选项有什么区别吗? 鲁迅《雪》 “朔方的雪花”“却永远如粉,如沙”,“绝不粘连”有什么暗示? 互动英语选择题:We sometimes go to school_________foot A.to B.on C.at D.with,选哪个? Hurry up,if you ( ) with us.A.go B.will go 为什么答案选B请从语法角度回答。if从句中不是用一般现在时吗? 关于中国的昨天和今天的手抄报 实数整数非负整数有理数概念?1)全体非负整数的集合通常简称非负整数集(或自然数集),记作N  (2)非负整数集内排除0的集,也称正整数集,记作N+(或N*)  (3)全体整数的集合通常 你听到过微风掠过树梢时的声音吗?你听过雪花飘落大地时的声音吗?这声音使你想到了什么?请用一段话写下 雪花飘落的声音是什么样子的? “你听见过蒲公英梳头的声音吗……你听见过雪花飘过的声音吗……”那么,“坐在葡萄架下,仰望一簇一簇摇曳的绿叶”的时候,你,听见了什么?发挥想象,写写感受,不少于50字.大哥哥姐姐们, 我()喜欢听雪花()飘落的声音.扩句 雪花飘落的声音怎么描写 讲述乘坐什么交通工具on 和in 有何区分? 祖国的成就(我要做手抄报)不要太长..也不要太短..最好是建设方面的..同志,有没有短一点的.. first we { } to the foot of the mountain{ }bus .是过去式 1get got gets getting 2by on in with The house is ( ) the foot of the mountain.用at/in/under哪一个 以祖国万岁为主题怎么做手抄报啊?帮帮我. On the foot of one mountain stand some ancient buildings built in Ming Dynasty,still intact. 想象中的雪花和样子和声音