
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 05:21:28
part of the current review of undergraduate provision 翻译 �μ�����梦见父亲带我和弟弟搬家,搬到广西乡下一个小乡镇公路两边的商品房居住,我和弟弟感到惊讶,为什么要在这种地方安家?父亲笑而不答.很快我们知道了原 1+1-1+2���� ���������ǣ� you are gone you are gone 这里go已经是个动词了啊 为什么还有个are呢?我觉得you gone才是对的啊 �代表的是哪个汉字啊知道的请回答一下,谢啦! Whey you are gone where you are gone You Are Gone 歌词 I must go now.It___(get)late.如何用适当形式填写? Tim rides his bike to the park (写出句意相同的句子) Is there an ____(electric) shop in your town. There,your,car,is连词成句 You should take a few days _ work; you're not looking at all well A.away B.from 我看电影看了很多年了,用英语能这样说吗?i have seen movies for many years.seen是点动词,可以这样用的吗?要表达这个意思,应该怎样说呢 I ____ if I finish the work within one day.A shall be praisedB would praiseC will praiseD praise 英语翻译e-business.The transformation of key business processes through the use of Internet technologies.The Web is changing every aspect of our lives.But no area is undergoing as rapid and significant a change as the way businesses operate.Today how can i get rich by using internet and e-commerce he name is jack中哪里错了 I think we can finish the work in an hour.------I think we can finish the work in an hour.-----———A.I thought so.B.Yes,we can.C.I agree with you.D.I didn‘t agree with you. 因该是on the film guide还是in the film guide? in a fog taoist remember,be Goodbye,my dear baby,remember to be 有一首歌有句歌词,lost in the music in the music RT一个英伦男拿着吉他唱的,旋律很大众,大部分人都听过.求歌~ remember to be happy语法对不对? Lost In The Echo 歌词 到傣家竹楼观光旅游的人真多,他们看到竹楼非常古朴,地理位置甚好,赞不绝口,用一句话来概括它的特点? if he has time,he must come改错 如果你是一位小导游,你怎样向游人介绍你家乡的一个景点.请写下来.简短点,不要长篇大论,注意,要像个小学生写的. 求IEEE数据库中的这篇文章A Survey of Security Issues in Multicast Communications这篇文章.. 翻译security issues