
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 07:56:08
新时代年轻人应该会些什么?作为新时代的80后的年轻人.应该会些什么.最好是文章哦· 要具体一点的哦· 还会提高悬赏地···谢了· 生活在新世纪的青年 翻译 r i d n e n能组成什么词 修改病句:There're many blue big balls on the floor.How beautiful girl she is!(1) (2) It___ten years since he left Shanghai.A.was B.is C.had been D.will be还有It was two years since I __ with her.A.had dined B.was dining C.dined D.had been dining要是第二题题目没有错的话第一题不就应该选A么?第二题不就应该 He said to me,"It is two years since I left shanghai."直接引语转化间接引语谢谢了,大神帮忙啊He said to me,"It is two years since I left shanghai."直接引语转化间接引语 He ( )me that ( ) ( )two years since ( ) ( ) ( )shanghai It___ten years since he left the army.A.is B.has C.will D.was重点分析为什么这么选(不要网上的答案,) 这类情况 在什么情况出现 Tom is addicted to the computer games,__his parents are worried about.a as b which keep one's word中的word能用words吗 是keep one's word还是keep one's words g.n.i.s能组成什么单词 p,g,i,r,n,s组成什么单词? N S G I可以组成什么单词 The gril____is talking with Tom is our EngThe gril____is talking with Tom is our English teacher.A.that B.which C.who D.A and B 怎么选? 有首歌叫北极星的眼泪‘这里北极星的眼泪是什么意思呢‘这里北极星的眼泪是什么意思呢‘‘比喻的什么‘各位朋友知道的说下了‘ 他说给我抄在歌本上,我说:"我又不会唱,不许抄"但他还是抄了!他平时我说什么都会照办,但这次没有,我是女的,他是男的! 北极星的眼泪是什么颜色的? 外国甜点都有什么啊~用英文给我说10个好吗?don't say it ice cream,pumpukin pie and apple pie~i know~thank you~ e n r a f d ,e g i n h l s 能组成什么单词 英语翻译More families consist of one-parent households or two working parents.household为什么要用复数形式呢?前面明明是one-parent( ⊙ o ⊙ 2001年到2004年考研英语完型的翻译 Tom is( )brother. he is ten (he)name is tom Tom____ ____a ____with his friends ____the evening?Tom 晚上和他的朋友聊天.请帮我填空, 山东爱拼才会赢其中用过的英文歌 Tom's brother's name's Mike 怎么改为一般疑问句 Jenny's brother's name's Mike.改为一般疑问句. 你在生谁的气?用英语怎么说?1、这些书总共花了我3美元2、爸爸经常告诫我们不要嘲笑别人3、你在生谁的气以上句子用英语翻译 Jenny's brother's name's Mike.改为一般疑问句?ls Mike______ ____ _____? one should keep one's word Everyone should keep his word.It's one of the public rules.翻译 英语翻译1、我将信守诺言,按时完成任务(keep word)2、他没有邀请我产假他的生日晚会,这伤了我的感情(hurt)3、我和我的笔友通过电子邮件,彼此保持联系(keep in touch)4、前天她因病没去上