
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 14:40:11
lily used to( help mom do housework) .对括号部分提问 what ___lily ___to do lily used to be easygoing.(反义疑问句) lily used to play soccer very well( 改一般疑问句) still on The iron is still on.求详细解释一下这句话里的on的用法,并举例 the radio was still on!中on是什么用法快在什么情况下可以这样用?比如说灯开着 still 请问古典拉丁语的发音跟意大利语的发音有什么区别? 一个小型的日加工量在50吨以内的大米生产线,不算抛光机,色选机,需要投入大概多少呢?如果算上抛光机和色选机,也都需要小型的就可以,总投入大概要多少呢?占地面积要多大呢? Mario used to help Mum do housework.(help Mum do housework是对画线部分提问) What______Mario______to_________? dear friends中文谐音歌词别给我弄罗马的,弱智就弱智,就是要中文谐音的,拼音也行,辛苦点 Dear friend - Sowelu 的中文意思 我要的是中文的歌词 SOLONG DEAR FRIEND的 怎么记单词比较容易,学习音标有什么好方法?记单词老是死记硬背,效果不好,经常拼写错误,有什么好的方法吗?求指导 the boy does not have a pen 这句话是说这个男孩没有钢笔吗?还有其中的 does not have 怎么用呢? the boy does not have milk怎么不是 has呢 my little son____(hide)in the park and I couldn't find him word中输入=rand() 为什么会出现The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 填空填什么?The boy does not have the (able)to填空填什么?The boy does not have the (able)to deal with thr probem alone. 饮水机的三空插头坏了,线里面有三根线,蓝色,黄绿色,咖啡色,请问该如何接 压面机红,黄绿色,蓝色,这三根线的电机,怎么与插头接线啊? How is going on如果别人问我how is going on?我该如何回答? How is everything going on for the hiking tomorrow?求正规翻译, How ___ do you see your uncle?Quiet often.A.long B.often C.soon D.far 公牛插座怎么有三个接线孔正常两个接线孔接上就可以用了,为什么要有三个呢?那这三个孔要接哪两个呢? 压铆螺母柱能压在不锈钢上吗? 是learn to know what do you like.还是 learn to know what you like? This is one opportunity for you to get to know what it is like to be visa interview 这个 what it is like to be 该怎么用呢 -How's everything going on?-___.-How's everything going on?-___.A.Everything is finished B.Everything is well C.Not so bad,you know D.Not doing wrong; you know how's everything going?在什么情况下使用 How‘s everything going? 逗比,谁能给我好好解释一下? 啥叫逗比? 分号的使用 我们老师说过有逗就要分 无逗不用分 这句话是说分号