
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 12:59:43
Do you think she enjoy ()piano?填什么?填playing/to play 还有,后面带不带the标准答案是to play,不加the, Do you think she enjoy ()piano?填playing/to play 还有,后面带不带the标准答案是to play,不加the, you should always check your s_____ with a dictionary Do you enjoy the ____(旅行)?用括号里的适当形式填空 how often should your robot need_____(check)? Do you piay the piano?中文是什么? you should check this m_____ in your homework ( )you like playing the piano 括号里填Dose 还是Do I shall check your pardon是什么意思 Could I use your dictionary?yes,you _____ .A.can B.could C.need D.should选A 还是B 怎么感觉两个意思一样啊 他们有什么区别呢? what does your father and mother like这句话这么改错这是一英语改错 12月11日托福成绩 我是宅女,想学英语口语交流 amuse的名词 like、love、enjoy有什么区别? enjoy和like的区别是什么? Work hard,_____ you can catch up with your classmates.Mr huang decided to buy that CD player_____ it was expensive. 11题是什么? 第11题是什么 If you can't work out this problem,please d____ it with your classmates 11题答案应该是什么? Mike does b( ) in maths than jack 四边形ABCD,AB等于5倍的根号3,BC等于5倍的根号2,CD等于5倍的根号2,DA等于5,角DAB等于90度,求角ABC的度数,四边形ABCD的面积 梯形ABCD中,AB平行CD,CD=5,DA=3∫2,角DAB=45度,角ABC=60度,求梯形面积完整一点…… 在直角坐标系xoy中,一次函数y=kx+b的图像与反比例函数y=x分之k的图像交于A(1,4)B(3,m)两点.求△aob面积 羚羊木雕第9段万芳妈妈的话有什么作用 羚羊木雕中万芳的出现有什么作用? What does your father look like? What does he always wear? What is he like?回答这三个问题.再把第一个问题的father换成mother 第二个问题的he换成she 第三个问题的he换成she回答. 再把father换成your 来回答一次. 根据首字母填词What does your father look like?He has a b( )and has big eyes.明显填的是名词 Jim is ____Maths.A.good for B.good at C.well in D.better in x的平方减y的平方可以化简吗? 初二找规律 例 1/X-1/x+1=1/x(x+1)既有1/X(X+1)=1/X-1/X +1 1/1*2+ 1/2*3 +1/3*4……+1/2009*2010