
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 19:01:17
急求《红花衣和日记本》阅读答案 I did some cleaning yesterday evening? I DID SOME CLEANING YESTERDAY EVENING的问句 I did some sports yesterday.改为否定句 “英语格言”和“英语幽默”的英文怎么写? 耳朵旁加一个冉念什么. 左耳右冉念什么 耳贵 和起来是什么字? 英语广告英语的特点及其翻译 耳字进门是什么字 Taken good care of by his family ,the old man lived ------- three years after the operation .A.other B.more C.another D.every 我选的是C.但是错了,可以帮我分析一下原因吗?顺便答案是什么呢 He ( ) to the hospital after the accident. A. took B. was taking C. was takenHe ( ) to the hospital after the accident.A. tookB. was takingC. was taken这答案是什么 被照顾 是be looked after ,还是be taken care of 苯女孩别太傻得英文怎么拼?如题 do some cleaning什么意思 do some cleaning造句 用do some cleaning写一篇60字左右的作文 木加冉念什么谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 提手旁+冉念什么? 任务性阅读 任务性阅读, 请多给我一些关于初一下册的首字母填空和任务性阅读 炎热的炎右边加个耳刀读什么 上气下炎这个字怎么读是科学里N的那个字..上面是个气下面是个炎``给我拼音.. 炎黄的“炎”右边加一个“耳朵”是什么字啊.读什么音? 左边一个“炎”右边一个耳刀旁读什么? here are the notebook and the report that i promised you last week请问其中为什么要用are the,该句不是有一个last week,不是应该用过去式吗.请再帮我翻译一下 Here ( ) ring and necklace that I promised you last week.A.is the B.are the C.was the D.has been a I'd like to return this watch that I bought here last week.为什么要用that?可不可以不加that,或者改成what Last week you lost my dictionary and l was so angry that l argued with you.是啥意思? permit sb.to do 是这个用法吗 missing 与lost区别