
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 17:51:23
solidworks的装配体里草图线和零件的一个面怎么定义重合约束啊? 关于solidworks牵引约束的添加我学Solidworks2010版的,按书中所说操作:高级设计--从草图块生成装配体---布局中--两个圆添加相切与牵引约束,但是我的牵引约束就是没有,还是正版盗版问题,还是 solidworks 正多边形怎么约束 He has not had a night ___for two weeks ,but he still fell__中填a.off,happy b.away,happily c.off,ha He will not —— there in two months填空My little sister is ——young to eat hamburger.Could you give me a sandwich.I'm——.What's the captal city of Australia. He has not had a night ()for two weeks,but he still feels ()A.off,happyB.away,happilyC.off,happilyD.away,happy为什么? he did not go ( ) nightu开头的,. 英语先翻译主句还是从句 请在忙译一下主句,再告知主句是什么从句结构If you go into a school or university anywhere, the Chances are you will see students in LiNing tracksuits with the familiar logo 英语翻译 中国梦,用一句经典的诗来形容,要诗,不要现代诗,也可以是顺口简短的一句话. 请用以上画线词语中任选五个,各默写出一句表达该内容的古诗文名句急用,词语是信念,责任,崇高,坚毅,无私,博爱,和睦,克己,宽容。例:崇高:苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之 汉译英:这是我们打倒对手的唯一机会.最好能多译成几种^^我的语法比较差劲,希望可以再说明下用的是什么结构~再有,如果译成这样:It is only opportunity for us to bring down our opponents.是主系 收拾我的包的英文翻译g 翻译成英文:他认为每天打扫教室是很有必要的.他忘了把书从书包里拿出来 食源性细菌主要有哪些 that's how a piano is like a drum.为什么用how 在迪厅听到首歌,歌词里面有“i like it,a ha a ha...i like it,a ha a ha..."" 关于成功的诗句 求两个诗句,关于成功的,两个诗句要明显的对比:一个是很大很大的成功(不光自己骄傲好像为家为国的),一个也是成功,但相比下要小,好像是考上了好学校,家人骄傲那种 Egg wash running down the one side of the cut edge怎么翻? what is the drum like错哪了 英文句子纠错 what is the drum like?what is the drum like?句意:这鼓象什么 crayon是什么意思 英语翻译1.Private international law is adjusted foreign civil law relations.The so-called foreign-related civil legal relations refers to the principal,object and the rights and obligations according to the legal facts occurred in at least one or 英语翻译‘Jurisdiction’ means the competence of the courts to hear and decide a case.For the purpose of determining the jurisdiction of the English courts,actions are of two kinds.(ⅰ)Actions in personam:these are actions brought to compe 英语书面表达假定你是一名学生会干部,负责一个美国友好访问团的活动安排.拟一份英语通知内容:参观孔子(Confucius)的故乡,访问该城市的一所大学并与英语系的部分师生座谈时间:明天( 新民主主义革命和社会主义革命的内涵和发展 新民主主义革命总路线的内涵 chocking RT,在衣服上见到的 Shanghai Disney has started to be built and it will be open()five years.A.inB.forC.fromD.before 一人到朋友家,见朋友和费德勒在打网球,他问,你网球那么差,怎么请到了费德勒?朋友说,我家有个金鱼,能满足你的愿望.这位看到了金鱼,说出自己的欲望,我要一柜子钱.他打开柜子看到满是蜂