
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 13:46:38
so there you are,get clubbing once you get started you will think of loads of more intereting thingthing改为things to do a number of和the number of 的区别和联系 the number of和a number of的区别 急寻高手有经验人士给四级估分.快速阅读得分极低..听力选择对二十个(),填充基本不得分..十五选十都对阅读理解对九个()完形填充对十三个作文很不好,翻译也不好.问过的希望大吗?在什么得 帮忙四级估分有经验者进听力单选对15 填词3 句子没写 快阅对9 选词对5 仔细阅读对8 完型对10 翻译对1 作文按85算吧 这样能过吗 我按网上的算分器听力只有110 但是我上一次听力错了十三四个 英语四级估分!有经验者进!听力选择对13个 单词2个 快速8个 选词填空6个 篇章阅读4个 完形10个 翻译没写 作文感觉还行 因为之前做过一样的题目 用四易算分器算的440左右 销售代表(Sales Executive)与业务经理(Business Development Manager)是相同的工作吗?常常看到这样的职位描述,但是搞不清楚这两者之间是同一个名词的不同解释呢,还是确实有所不同.业务经理就 四级求有经验者估分快速阅读对7个听力选择15个填空单词对4个句子都不太完整就算对一个吧.十五选十对4~5个,仔细阅读对6个,完型9~10个,翻译都有问题算一个吧,有经验者帮忙看看 我想申请成为sales executive position.Which is correct? Please provide a better answer.1)I would like to apply for a sales executive position.2)I would like to apply for to be a sales executive position. senior sales executive是什么级别 you shouldn't eat __for lunch a;some b;any c;something d;anything You shouldn't eat ______ for breakfast.A.some B.any C.something D.anything 2010年12月英语四级请有经验的人帮忙估分.听力选择对9个,单词对6个,句子每个都写对一点.快速阅读对10个全对,选词填空对2个,篇章阅读对5个,完型对14个,翻译差不多对一半,作文中等水平,还有 ( )雪山?请帮帮我这个成语, He does some shopping中some变any吗? will和would的用法 Lucy ____staying at home to watch TV ____going out and playing on such a cold day.prefers 、to还是prefers 、than? He has gone to ...该怎样提问呢?where is he?行不 has he gone to Lomndon 改为肯定句加肯定回答 he has gone to heaven 这句话还是 he goes to heaven 英语翻译这个是句英语俚语,直译不对 关于so doer a hard-boiled egg.我刚刚完成一个听力练习.是这样的M:Although the man often plays a bad guy in movies,in real life he has a heart of gold.W:So does a hard-boiled egg.Qestion:What does the woman mean?A:The woman believ 车站的英语是什么啊 .I'm just a stupid woman,not worthy of you to love,and heard no翻译中文 He told me to relax and have a good rest.该怎么问? I want to have a rest for a while 先谢谢你们了 will would 用法? 余光中说乡愁是浅浅的海峡,席慕蓉说乡愁是没有年轮的树,如果有一天你离开了家门,请发挥想象,仿照甲诗,用漂亮的比喻句尽现你的感受 乡愁 席慕容 没有年轮的树指 No matter how bright a talker you are,there are times when it's better _____ silent.[ ] remainingC.having remained remain 求详解 木兰诗中可汗与天子表意上矛盾吗 谁帮我取个不常见有个性的男英文名Peter Tom 这类的就不用说了还要有中文意思 最好是好听点的