
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 10:24:17
婷字有什么含义? 跟‘婷’相对的字是什么字 帮我起两个字的情侣网名 一个带 婷 一个带 瑞 要 情侣意思明显点的、谢谢了、满意追加、 在数值—1,0,2中,是方程—2/1x—1=—x的解的是________,是方程x(x—1)=2的解是____________. 后婷花是什么意思? hidden package什么意思 Hidden的意思? NaOH溶液和酚酞喷到纸上能变成粉色的吗? join中文 join 用汉语来读: “美婷”是什么意思 It uses the telephone to join millions of computers together around the world翻译成中文什么意思? join the two sentences together1 could you tell me Is there a mall near here?2.can you please tell me are there any good restaurants in watertown?3.do you know where is the bookstore?4.could you please tell me how can i get to wonderland cafe?5.would 翻译:join the two sentences.you need to add commas to most 翻译on that mission,he and David R Scott managed to join two spacecraft together for the first time Join the two sentences into one by using the words in the box.翻译 I was kidding ,that we should get married翻译是什么? 英语翻译 英语翻译如题 air-mist secondary cooling? 垂涎不已什么意思? 岁寒三友指的是什么? You are my firend forever you are my veronique ,forever.翻译 夕颜如梦什么意思 请,接半句诗!思于兰花白如梦,一阵清风一场空. She is one of my friends.同意句是什么? 写三个描写山水的词语词语词语是二字的我很急的一分钟后就要 This is Peter dog.有什么错误 this is a p _____of peter s family _where are my shoes?—they are u____thebedfather is sitting o______the sofamany books are is the b_______where is wuhanit s i ______hubei not hunan it s time for lunch all my family are at t _____________l can t fi 怎样利用铜线圈制作磁场强度高的电磁场?想要制造一个用铜线(绝缘线)缠一个直径为30公分的环形电压为12 V的电磁场 该怎样缠啊? 是her telephone number is……还是she's telephone numbe