
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 03:30:28
给我一篇 英语作文 My Family 我是一给男孩 爸爸妈妈是做衣服的 我还有爷爷奶奶 句型转换(同义句)1.Mike didn't see anybody enter the building before ten.Nobody _____ _____ _____ _____ the building before ten.2.The bench was so long that all of us were able to sit on it.The bench was long enough _____ ______ _____ _____ 同义句句型转换1.Would you like to do some reading in the library?Would you like to ______ ________ in the library?2.We had a nice time on Sunday morning.We ______ _______ on Sunday morning.3.Let's help her cook this evening.Let's help her ____ 句型转换啊~同义句1You are a student.I am a student as well.2WE have great fun chatting with each other.3This box is like that one. 数学题,来个学霸 请各位学霸们帮忙解答这道数学题. 王字旁一个玉念什么怪字 一个王一个玉念什么字啊? 一个王字,一个点,念什么?就是和玉差不多,但是点在第二横的上面如题 求英语同义句和句型转换题各100个~~~~要问题加答案那种~~~最好句子短~~~~要是很好的话再加分~~~~~~~~~~~ 一道改为同义句的英语句型转换题.It' s important for us to spend time with family and friends.(改为同义句)—— —— time with family and friends —— important to us.这道题前面是不是多了一个空? 一道函数题,在同一坐标系中,一次函数y=(1-k)x+2k+1与反比例函数y=k/x的图像有两个交点,则常数k的取值范围是?我算得k>1/8且k≠1和0顺便完成任务.呵呵 淙怎么组词 淙能组什么词? I had no money for a taxi.(同义句转换) I ___ ___ _I had no money for a taxi.(同义句转换) I ___ ___ ___ money for a taxi. he had no money () him () a taxi The wild animals are in danger because of the _____(lose) of the living areas要有原因 There are more important than wild animals翻译 未来30年的的地球是成为沙漠还是高科技,会不会地球让外新人或人类做的机器人统治? 其实我也很喜欢狗的,只是喜欢自家的狗.其他人都狗狗就怕的要命.我很小的时候就比狗狗吓过.每每我要出门的时候看到有狗在路边睡觉,我就很气,我又不敢过,就在路旁边的狗狗睡觉醒了,走 地球未来的主宰会是机器人吗? 狗是人类最忠实的朋友这句话用英文怎么说?急用! 你知道狗是人类最忠实的朋友吗 求英语翻译 英文名姓名翻译,要粤语直译董戴宾要粤语直译哦! 狗为什么是人类忠实的朋友? 公司名字“三健”直译成英文怎么翻译 狗是人类最忠实的朋友 翻译英语 谁知道 云尔 的英文翻译,(这是个名字,不要直译) 徐韵妮,这个名字,按香港式译法怎么直译成英文啊? I will also ask my English teacher for more help.什么意思 新支点初二下英语一单元I think cities will be really big and( )because there will be a lot more peop还有一道Are you ( ) in robots? 虎字头下边有个思字,左边一个金字读什么