
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 14:06:29
pk的英文原意是什么? Fion这个英文名字有什么渊源,是哪些国家惯用的呢 男人能用Fion做英文名吗?请别说只要自己喜欢什么都可以这种回答. 2.Tom,____ his father ,is going to cinema tonight.用适当的介词填空. 求 would rather than的例句 急 查电子词典,看见有would rather than和would rather···than两个词组.求 would rather than的例句 .不是would rather··· than的例句.就是中间不隔开的would rather than的例句,词典只有 求 would rather than的例句 求would rather than的例句,带翻译的.是要would rather than的例句,不是would rather。than的例句 晚上小明在台灯下写作业时,书桌上垫的玻璃会反射出刺眼的光,可以在灯上安装凹透镜吗? WHY与FION相比哪个牌子更好些? 请问why牌包包好还是菲安妮包包好? He doesn't have any money a new watch.A.toHe doesn't have any money a new watch.A.to B.with C.for D.without 如题..帮手起个英文名我个名叫做梓晴..请问有咩比较衬呢个名嘅英文名啊?唔该帮帮手霖下拉最好带音标同中文啦~ 帮手起个好听的英文名我叫潘家豪.今年19岁.帮我起个好听,酷,帅的英文名. 为什么教科书上有the moon,和Earth,有什么区别?原句是:……That is enough to reach all the way为什么教科书上有the moon,和Earth,有什么区别?原句是:……That is enough to reach all the way from Earth to the moon.这 薛海琪英文名是不是:FlonnaFlonna是不是一个姓~叫什么咯 我的名字里有一个滢字,麻烦去一个英文名,我姓薛 嫉妒和妒忌两词的区别? 英文名薛比英语怎么拼写薛比是个英文名直译成中文的写法,现在我想知道它的英语拼写. “忌妒”跟“妒忌”这两个词有什么区别? 我姓薛,名字里有个宁,英文名取什么好呢 帮忙取“薛中正”的英文名,要有深度. 嫉妒与妒忌这两个词的意思有什么区别? “嫉妒”和“妒忌”两个词的区别,说明后各造一个句子. "嫉妒"和"妒忌"这两个词相同吗?RT 心理学名词解释 意识狭窄 有没有YU开头的英文名呀?偶系女生,想起个英文名,最好是YU开头,还有还有,帮忙注上中文的读法啊,不然我的读音或许不准哎,谢谢啊! yu开头的英文名有吗? 求yu开头的女生英文名最好是不常见的,要有中文解释 求一个以yu开头的男的英文名, 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词.1、A happy family gives a loving e____ for children.. 意识障碍的名词解释 Do you kown the names of three countries that are part of the North Pole? That shop sells ____ clothing A child's and woman's B children's and women'sC children's and womenD childrren's and women's B 是children and women's