
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 13:48:40
he has got quite used to what people say about him.这个还原回去是people say what about him 还是people say about him what?say是接双宾语么?感觉单独说people say about him也对吧? enjoy后面的动词是原形,还是加to 栎树的果实叫橡子?橡子和榛子分别是什么样子的?最好有图.这是橡子吗? 西南地区和板栗树差不多,果实像榛子的坚果什么?它的树完全和板栗树一样,结果也一样,果实壳都是刺,但是果实打开后和板栗不一样,是锥形的,就一个核,和榛子差不多.但又不是榛子,比榛子大 Her pants are pink变为同义句 She's a smarty pants!怎么翻译? Her pants are (green)对括号里的提问 巴比伦之囚指的是哪件事?要通俗易懂的 αστε?ρευτη αγ?πη怎么解释 Can you tell me anything___?A who Lucy and Lily have as twins in commonB that Lucy and Lily have as twins in common withC that Lucy and Lily have as twins in common D Lucy and Lily have as twins in common with make your own list of questions and give it to another 伊索寓言男孩和榛子的寓意 don't worry与don't worried的区别 Don't worry和Don't worried有什么区别?这两个有什么区别啊?怎么用呢? be worry还是be worried 别担心,我会照着你所说的话做Don't worry,I'll()() what you said快点,急,5分钟 the education in china has developed ____these days此题为什么填highly,虽然我知道它对,但为什么不能填QUICK?quick也有副词的词性,是快,迅速的意思,迅速的发展不对吗?而且,quickly quick做副词时意思都一样, Don't worry.I'll sleep_____you. The education in China has developed _____ these days.(填quick还是highly) Don't worry,I'll --------my child---------.别担心,下班后我会把孩子接走的. 填句子,大家帮帮忙哈 The education in China has developed _______ these days. A. quick B. high C. highly D. wildly答案是C,请帮我分析一下,谢谢! Education in China,do you like the teaching methods and education sustem in China?大约要100字左右(英文) 好的奖赏多 有什么故事是指发现的? the hotel was not as good as they expected.什么语法?为什么不是 what they expected? 语法填空,The concert is fully expected to be put off until another.为什么用to be put It was jest as good as I had expected 的意思是什么 扬州大学大一可以报四级吗 还是下学期啊? was to be expected 和 was expected 意义上区别是什么A good many proposals were raised by the delegates ,_______(正如预料的那样)空里是填 as was to be expected 为什么不是 as was expected 西华师大过了四级的英语挂科后需要重修吗英语挂了,补考也挂了,听说过了四级就可以不重修是真的吗 中国地质大学(北京)大一什么时候可以考四级 The news came,as expected,___ my cousin was chosen to be a foreign aid doctor.不是说 逗号后边不可以用that吗? 还是说插入语可以连符号一起不看? 生活中有哪些自然哲学?详细的问题说明,有助于回答者给出准确的答案