
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 20:58:28
英语翻译是不是阿根廷的海关机构?但是在我这个语境里,它是一个机构,不是人员,还有更符合的翻译吗? 英语翻译最近在进行毕业论文的外文翻译,Centro Cientifico Tropical这个词应该是个专有名词,不过实在是找不到确切意义,有没有大神帮下忙. 描写天空的四字词语!急至少15个哦~~~ casa 是意大利语,译成中文是什么,有多少种译法? 下课了,同学们很有秩序地涌出教室.[修改病句】请大家帮帮忙. when we were young,we often (play)together问,这里是用过去时还是一般现在时!请确定,不要没把握 《下课了,同学们铁序地一下子涌出了教室》 修改病句 We often play together when we were children.为何填play,后面不时过去式吗? 下课了,同学们秩序井然地一下子涌出教室.(修改病句)拜托, 音乐 When We Were Beautiful歌词中文解释The world is cracked The sky is torn I'm hanging in You're holding on I can't pretend That nothings changed Living in the shadows Of the love we made Back...When we were beautiful Before the world got sm 下课铃刚响,同学们便争先恐后地有秩序地走出教室.(修改病句) led电子工程师岗位职责和led电子工程师面试题求led电子工程师岗位职责和led电子工程师面试题 LED照明工程师主要干什么 一切都是崭新的开始,英文怎么说?一切都是崭新的开始.英文怎么说?不要翻译器翻译的. led照明工程师本公司急聘LED照明工程师. 新的开始英语怎么念 做一个镇流器节能灯led照明灯饰工程师要哪些条件 填象声词——下课的铃声()地响了起来 下课铃声响的作文一定是作文!场面描写!越壮观越好!追加10分!大哥,是作文好不好! 描写铃声、钟声的成语 Daddy didn't mind what we were doing,as long as we were together,__fun.A.had B.haveC.to haveD.having选哪个对啊wswss11986,一开始我也是这样想的,可是答案是Dlong as we were together能不能算插入语,现在看看好像不行 下课铃声以后的作文怎么写啊 daddy didn't mind what we were dong ,as ong as we were together ,_____fun.A.had B.have C.to have D.having 这里是选D做伴随状语 那为什么不选C呢 .可以做目的状语阿 这个是什么表情? 这个是什么表情? I have( )friends hereI have( )friends here.A.many B.a little C.a few what do you think of the film AVATAR?It's fantastic.The only pity is that I( ) begining of it.A. missedB.have missed答案是B 要解释 the only pity is that I __ the beginning of it----What do you think of the film?----Great!The only pity is that I __ the beginning of it.A,missed B,have missed选哪个,为什么, It was a pity that the great writer died ( ) his work unfinished shedAforBwithCfromDofwhy? 清明时节雨纷纷出自哪首诗 I T WAS A PITY THAT YOU MISSED THE FAMOUS STAR YESTERDAY.-If only I _ to my hometown.a.didn't return b.hadn't returned c.shouldn't return d.wouldn't return选什么?为什么?如何翻译? "清明时节雨纷纷"是哪位诗人的什么诗?