
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 02:51:37
床字减掉一笔有哪些字 醉西游答题活动,属于国家一类保护动物的是:正确答案是什么? 猫在哪个国家受到严格保护 醉西游答题活动,音乐城在哪个国家?正确答案是什么? All the pupils have read this storybook.Their English teacher has read this storybook,too.改为同义句 班长竞选演讲词 初一班长竞选演讲词尽量自己写,不要太长,好的追加 His father began to work_his childhood.A.since B.before C.as early as D.while我选的是C,为什么? 1、His father began to work ____ his childrenhood.A since B before C as early as AB为什么不对呀? Shall we meet at a ____ 8 o'clock? learn与study的区别 What time____we meet?——_____seven o'clock study和learn的区别 learn 和study有什么区别? My father goes to work _______ hisbike填什么介词 My father is ( )work now.He has no time to talk to you.是介词填空.我填的是at, 各位高手,汉译英,帮个忙啦本文以景观生态学为理论指导,在3s技术支撑下,对东兴市滨海过渡带不同时期(1989,1999,2009年)的景观格局进行系统分类,选取斑块水平和景观水平上的一系列景观指数 _____boy is my son._____enemies are getting worth reapecting._____orange is usually bigger than____egg.he is ____teacher of 35 children.he is ____teavher of the 35 children. 猫为什么洗脸? he's father is ( ) work 括号里填介词 一道an与the的英语题~It is rainy outside,please ( )umbrella with youA.an B.the A.THE或不填填AN.A.THE( )orange is( )orange. 只要不是骂人的歇后语我都要不能是骂人的!不能是骂人的!不能是骂人的! fill up能不能当不及物词组?请给例子. fill和 fill out的区别 a stormy night前是on还是at 请问这四个单词词或词组分别是什么意思?请最好能举例说明.1)sometimes2)sometime3)some time4)some times 世界雾都是什么城市,音乐之都是什么城市,世界表城是什么城市, for the night 应该用什么时态 He (provide)them a bed for the night. 本人女的,叫杨静,想改个好听而不太复杂英文名, 我的宝宝男叫俊熙 请大家帮忙改个英文名字 追秒什么意思?