
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 06:35:47
来点英文网名.带翻译的来,. 别太长.最多6个字母就好,. 带翻译.越多越好.来点英文网名.带翻译的来,. 别太长.最多6个字母就好,. 带翻译.越多越好.个性点的.给点力~~好的可以加分~ 英语翻译Presenter:Business news now,and the telecoms firm Galacall has announced it may be taking legal proceedings against the newcomer and potential rival in the telecoms market,Frontline.Frontline recently ran a series of TV commercials in w Mike was the kind of guy you love to hate.he was always in a good mood and always had something positive to say,if someone asked him how he was doing he wouid reply.Couldn't be better!He was really a tireless and carefree young man.Mike used to say.E 翻译 Jerry was the kind of guy you love to hate.He was always in a good mood and always had someth where there is love,there is always a 花样年华 IN THE MOOD FOR LOVE怎么样 where there is greatl love there are always miracle 歌名字在五个英文字母内的歌是一个男歌手唱的.声音很低唱的速度很快.听起来有种淡淡的忧伤...不是英伦、摇滚、男低音、高音...很想念这首歌.有谁知道名字....歌名字只有4~5个字母,好像H 英语翻译 形容出身名门的女孩用英语怎么说 马来西亚 翻译 中文 人教版七年级下册英语第9.10单元作文 图片里的动物分别代表哪些国家?上世纪列强瓜分中国的时局图熊是俄罗斯,豹子是日本,白头鹰是美国,狼是意大利,其他几个动物代表哪些国家? 当年历史书中有一张关于八国联军的势力瓜分图,各个国家的代表动物是什么? 时局图上面每个动物都代表什么国家啊. 这个穿着特别的盛装的女孩是我的朋友之一 用英语怎么说 那个紧挨着你的女孩是我的朋友 用英语怎么说? Qzone是什么意思? Qzone登录是什么意思? QZONE是什么? Qzone是啥意思 在说英语的国家里,许多动物都有其特别的象征意义.列;母鸡(hen)象征(母爱)羊羔(lamb)象征( )    老鹰(eagle)象征( ) 你们国家有多少种动物?有英语怎么说? 各福娃英文名称是什么?所代表动物英文名称是什么?还有其他有关福娃的名称也请求打出来,奥林匹克五环英文名称,繁荣、欢乐、激情、健康与好运的英文名称 那个英语水平高一些的好心人帮忙翻译一下这首诗啊Pray for Lu ShanFear shook with the ground.Loved ones lost and not found.Many houses were destroyed.The earthquake that hitLu Shan was powerful.We mourn for those whodied in the ear Qzone什么意思 QZone的意思 qzone 英语译文的英语质量是不是太差?请改正我写的错误的英文.A motorized vehicle is not allowed to stop in the section 30 meters to the fire hydrant or the fire brigade (station)中文原文:“机动车在消防栓或消防队站 谁可以教我怎么区分不可数名词跟可数名词,再教一教我什么种类的东西要加"The",什么时候不加,比如说乐器前要加The请用自己的话说,不要大段文字抄下来. 几道初一英语合并句子题和其他题目 Help!合并句子1.she is going to post the letter now.they will receive it in three days.2.they are going to do more exerice.they will be in better health.3.you are going to play with knife.you will h Help .1.What's wrong with your bike(同义句转换)What's ____ ____ with your bike 2.My neighbore are (quiet) (对"()"部分提问)___ are your neighbore ____?3.There is a bird in the tree .The bird is singing in the tree(合并句子)There ____ a b