
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 16:52:40
写4个带有“审”的动词 用适当的介词或副词填空 为什么有些动词好像看起来没有动作也叫动词呢?比如审查、认识、注重. 私人照片用英语怎么说? 化工学中应用化工技术是干什么的? 我本人的一些照片 用英语怎么说 (题目太长,简写)物体与地面之间的摩擦力和作用力F的移动距离分别为如图所示,滑轮的重力和绳子摩擦力不计,重力为150牛的物体,在8牛的力F的作用下在水平面上做匀速直线运动2米,则物体 晚安用英语有哪几种翻译强调 ,是用英语哦 ! 英语翻译. City Break 翻译成中文是什么? 箱单发票英文怎么说 发票 的英语是什么 英语同义词转化there is too muchu furniture in my room I must throw away some pieces.I have to___ ___ ___ some of the funniture in my room I'm afraid there is something wrong with the phone I'm afraid the phone is ___ ___ ___ He was shocked to 退发票 用英文怎么说退回增值税发票重开,用英文怎么说 英语 分析一个英语句子They were brought up in the liberal atmosphere prevalent in the 1960s.他们在六十年代盛行的自由气氛中长大.这个句子中prevalent 这个词的前面是不是省略了主语和系动词 帮忙分析一下一个英语句子but since dinner the cold winter wind had brought with it clouds so sombre,and a rain so penetrating,that further out-door exercise was now out of the question.这句子大致是看的懂的,所以不用帮忙翻 clap 是长动词还是短动词 come的意思是什么是动词吗rt HAVE作为行为动词是什么意思? 一段动词和五段动词是什么意思 发票中的“第一联”在英文中怎么说?如题 你是不是还要发票?英文怎么说 请帮忙解析一个英语句子 The automaker reported increased cash earnings in North America for a third consecutive quarter,with its international results flat to up slightly and a bigger loss in Europe.大部分地方都明白,就是那个inte 请帮忙讲解一个英语句子It had been many years since they had lived there.我看翻译是“他们已经很多年没在这里居住了”希望各位亲们能给我讲一讲,关于语法、时态、结构、特殊用法一类的, 请帮忙分析一个英语句子“Some animals are dangerous especially poisonous snake.”这是我的一个练习册上的一个句子,我认为这句话存在两个疑问:一是“snake”在这里是抽象用法,无法解释;二是不知道 请帮忙解答一个英语句子The shops at the Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center are full of local delights,as well as international designer goods.句子如上,此句在有道里的翻译是“皇家夏威夷购物中心的商店满是具有地方 my dear you.forgive me..翻译成中文下 sometimes,i hurt you.but that isn't my heart.i want you can forgive me.now,i must say"i'm sorry"是什么意思 Forgive my heart not impenetrable and easy damage. Goodbye,my dear friends!If I offended you please forgive me. You had my heart broken,I do not want to forgive 世界上最大的沙漠离哪个国家近