
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 15:00:52
孔子改错,要300字以内的快来人啊 新东方迈格森有些什么种类的课程呢? 新东方迈格森一共有多少课时啊? of the same age as i什么意思 i'm (of)the same age (as) 特别是括号里的 I have the same age as ...1I have the same age as yours...the same age 谓语动词 能用have 还是说这里的 have 要换成 am 2 我和你年龄一样3 我和你体重一样 4 我和你身高一样最后三个句子,英语翻译.每个句子用 Li Ping and Wang Jin are the same age?等于Li Ping ____ ____ ____as Wang Jin?现在就要 Will there __anything else?A areB is C beD being If there is anything you need I will not be faraway是什么意思? If there is anything you need I will not be far away这句是什么意思 “古仁人”的“忧乐”与“迁客骚人”的 “悲喜”形成鲜明对比,文中概括写“迁客骚人”的喜、悲的句子是? uch腊梅做雪迎春 balance of 如题... 谁知道the balance of the 关于交学费的,肯定不是平衡什么的,会的帮忙翻译下。 2014新课标作文写打破习惯的束缚跑题吗? 2014新课标2语文作文立意为人要自己探索不能一味的索取跑题吗? 2014语文新课标1作文写团结算不算跑题作文题目 团结成就梦想之花 算跑题吗! 求英语翻译“我依然爱你,但是你不爱我,我依然会保护你” 为什么现在的人没有同情心和公德心那?是啊,这个世界上还是有些人值得我们去学习的,不管怎么说,这个社会的好与坏还是要靠我们的. 你不是总干什么就干什么 you shouldn't always do _ _ _ _. you are mine,always do翻译(在线等) You always refuse whatever I do翻译 英语翻译求英文高手翻译出感觉"Why do you always use big words?""There are no big words,my dear.There are only small minds." keep the balance 英语翻译 地球上什么狗最小 The quilt is white.画线的是white it is said that some kids from the city of Bakersfield,USA are going to stay in our school sometime 英语翻译nunan neomu yeppeoseojust when I thought I could gomy heart is lost and you're pulling me back againwishing on a falling starwish I could be where you aresomehow you came and changed my everythingwhen you're not aroundI just feel a little 用随心所欲;运转自如;绞尽脑汁;一动不动,造句快快快用随心所欲;运转自如;绞尽脑汁;一动不动 随心所欲造句 随心所欲怎么造句