
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 07:23:08
When I was young,happiness is a simple thing to do,after be brought up,simple is a happy thing(? When I was young,happiness is a very simple thing; Grew up,simple is very happy. travelling by airNowadays,travelling by air is much cheaper and more convenient than before,but it also brings some environmental problems.Discuss both sides and give own opinion.请问一下这道题的思路是什么? 清明(杜牧)的赏析20字 杜牧的《清明》400字赏析. Just,angin brilliant will end.Don't shekel is i will tell you again 中的again是作为什么状语?再请问下状语除了时间,地点,方式,程度,条件之外还有什么? 为什么杜牧要写清明 杜牧的清明描写了一副怎样的场景(详细)急! 戚继光的名人名言dadada 戚继光抗倭的原因?概括?为什么说戚继光是民族英雄? 开头是come on you said you said you love me是什么歌女生说的一首英文歌~ 《民族英雄戚继光》的课文主要内容 在摆渡老人短文中,摆渡老人在孩子们眼里是什么样的形象 Don't be angry with Tom.He's____a little boy.(_ _ s_) I became angry with the little boy at his facetious remarks. The little child was angry with the big boy because he was saying dirty words to him详细的问题说明,有助于回答者给出准确的答案 What_(do) you do I_(sing) songs.I am a_(sing)填什么? 《摆渡》这篇文章的阅读答案!摆 渡高晓声有四个人到了渡口,要到彼岸去.这四个人:一个是有钱的,一个是大力士,一个是有权的,一个是作家.他们都要求渡河.摆渡人说:“你们每一个人,都要 The man must be very angry --- his daughter,---?A.about,isn't sheB.with ,isn't heC.at ,mustn't sheD.with,mustn't he 这里为什么选B而不是D呢?这里有情态动词must啊!请说明为什么这样填? I wish I could unsay the sharp words to him .He must sad very much .And I have realised that I was谁给翻译下 摆渡阅读答案有四个人到了渡口,要到彼岸去. 这四个人:一个是有钱的,一个是大力士,一个是有权的,一个是作家.他们都要求渡河. 摆渡人说:“你们每一个人,都要把自己最宝贵的东西分一 Tom was so (angry)Tom was so___(angry)that he said nothing.it is becoming___(hard)to find a job in China.Can you show me___(near)shop here?___(good)city,___(good)life.China is one of ___(large)countries in the word.The boy is ______to work out the pr 有谁能告诉我say look how long no I just want to say,Long time no see 这个的意思 say、see的现在进行时 can过去式如题 -Please don't do it again.的肯定回答-Please don't do it again.请下次不要这样做了.-________.是,我不会这样做了.A.Sorry/No,I won't . B.Yes,I will. C.Yes,I won't . D.Sorry/No,I will.急!! don\'t Please don·t late school again填什么?为什么? 英语翻译翻译,谢咯 (1/2)这是一首女生唱的英文歌,很动感,很好听.歌词有:Boys and girls … You want it ,you get it … 求英文歌名,开头是一个很像布兰妮的女声if you want it,come and get it声音很像布兰妮的,但又好像不是,开头是刚说的那句,然后是一段男声Rap,接着再是女声唱,其中有一段那个女的有唱到“I'm a bad