
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 02:40:37
新概念第二册54课作文用括号中的连词改写句子1 I put the cake in the oven.I forgot all about it.(After putting)2 Two hours had passed .I smelled sometimes burning.(When)3 I went into the kitchen .I found it full of smoke.(On going) 117-117/(1+17%)=117*17%/(1+17%)怎么换算的? 有这样一个题目12 + 14 = 11 - 13 和 243 x 2 =72 假设每一笔都是一根火柴 请移动两根火柴使两个等式都成是 每个等式移两根火柴 1/2+1/6+1/12+……+1/90=?计算过程和规律 计算;(11分之4+17分之1)×11+17分之6. 100道初一上册数学计算题、好的追加至100、我要100道初一上册数学计算题、是计算题、100道里面要有几十道是方程、要求有过程、有答案、要一道题一道题地打出来、不要上面全是题、下面 求初一上期数学应用题,越多越好,最起码也要15道左右, 新概念英语二86 87课作文 新概念英语二册48课摘要写作did you wantto hell me something? 几道数学计算题 30分 好的再加50分1.计算:若(a+b)的平方=7,(a-b)的平方=3,求a平方+b平方的和,和a*b的值2.分解因式:a(m-n)平方+(n-m)的3次方3.分解因式:9(2a+3b)平方-25(3a-b)平方4.若 数学应用题,好的加50分.1.有含盐15%的盐水20千克,要使盐水的浓度为20百分号,要加盐多少千克?2.某工厂扩建厂房投资1000万元,比计划节约了200万元,节约了百分之几?3.粮库现有一批大米,运出5分 填空题 应用题 好的加50分甲数是乙数的3倍,甲数占甲乙和的几分之几?乙数占甲乙和的几分之几?三角形三个内角的度数比是2:4:3,这个三角形最小的内角是( )度,这个三角形是个( )三角 一个数学应用题谁会啊!小明的书比小东的书多12本,小明借出3/4,小东借出2/3后,两人剩下的书的本数相同,小明和小东原来有书各多少本?最好用算术讲出道理来追加50分我说一下小明借出的是4 数学应用题加50分喽~从运动场的一端到另一端全长96米,原来从一端起到另一端每隔4米插一面小红旗,现在要改成每隔6米插一面小红旗,求要拔出来的小红旗有多少面?注:答案好像是10.有没有 They are playing ------{happy} under the tree.-------填什么?playing不是动词,是动名词 你妈妈在电台上班吗?的英文 Does your mother ____ ______ ______ ______ ______-?有五处可填!怎么填? 英语翻译英语翻译:你妈妈经常问你学校的情况吗?Does your mother often ( )you ( )your school? your english mother does like?连词成句 英文改错:Where does your mother doing now?A B C 某校修建操场用了2万元,比计划投资节约了0.5万元.实际投资节约了百分十几?快, 用is are am 1 ( )yourfriend a boy or a girl?回得来啊 教室里不要说话 这个说话 用speak 还是 talk 为什么? 英语单选题,请高手帮忙选下.谢谢.一、单选题 1、We have to work everyday _______ Saturday and Sunday. A.except B.with C.on 2、The longest time a girl may stay in the UK ______ an au pair is two years. B.for 3、The mo 一、单选题(共 22 道试题,共 66 分.)V 1.The opposite of(sincere)is:A.not weakB.not strongC.not truthful满分:3 分2.To (pretend)is to:A.make believeB.growC.know满分:3 分3.When you (arrange)things, themB.mix t 一个英语单选题----高手帮忙13、—What’s wrong,Peter?— ______ .A:I’ve got a headache B:It’s nice to see you againC:Nothing for it D:I can’t complain too much并解释其余选项为什么不对. 请高手帮忙做这10几道英语单选题,1.With the joint effort of everyone,the plan is _____ to succeed; I’m sure of that.a、obvious b、bound c、doubtless d、necessary2.Liquids are like solids ____________they have a definite volume.a、i 新光小学装修一个图书馆,实际投资3.6万元,原计划投资4.5万元,节约了百分之几、? 学校投资30万元进行绿化建设,比计划节省了4/1,计划投资多少万元?要算式 学校新建的实验楼耗资180万元,比原计划节约了60万元,节约了百分之几? 新概念英语第二册21课复述Aeroplanes are slowly driving me mad.I live near an airport and passing planes can be heard night and day.The airport was built years ago,but for some reason it could not be used then.Last year,however,it came into 新概念英语第二册21课复述(英语复述)Mad or not?是不是疯了 Aeroplanes are slowly driving me mad.I live near an airport and passing planes can be heard night and day.The airport was built years ago,but for some reason it could not 新概念英语第二册第二课复述.Lesson 2 Breakfast or lunch?  It was Sunday.I never get up early on Sundays.I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime.Last Sunday I got up very late.I looked out of the window.It was dark outside.'What a day!