
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/26 22:27:37
keep it in the 求翻译 Animals can only use the sun’s energy after it has been changed into food by plants 英语翻译Animals can only use the sun's energy (能量) after it has been changed into food by plants 煤藏 中的“藏”cang 还是 zang 煤藏的藏是zang还是cangds I looked around but I saw n___.填空 He___but could___nothing.A.looked;see B.saw;look C.watched;see D.saw;watch 敬业与乐业的论证 歇后语:{ }撼大树,可笑不自量 如何理解孔子"仁者爱人"和"中庸之道"的哲学观点,并说说它的时代意义.要论文!2000字左右!尽量收集成论文给我, 孔子[为政以德][知其不可而为之][仁者爱人][诲人不倦][中庸之道]分别讲了什么理念.分别什么思想高考之际.记得答全. I _______ around but ______nothing.A.look;see B.see;look C.look;look D.see;see 歇后语后半句为全靠一张嘴的前半句.( )上树--全靠一张嘴 “天变黑了”用英语说是It went dark 还是It got dark还是两个都可以? 改错:1\Because it is very cold ,so Icatch a cold 2\The boy looked the sky ,but he saw nothing改错;3\She is doing her homework every day4\Giraffes usually eat the leafs on the top of trees I looked carefully but saw nothing 我注意看了但是什么也没有看到look 在连缀动词里是看起来,look at 是注视.在这里为什么用了iook?如何区分?不是说look和Iook at 的意思不同吗?这里的意思不是感观动 动物(  )上树——全靠一张嘴 是can you bring me to your father 还是can you take me to your father Where( )your father ( )(live) 英语翻译呃,那个东汛塘岸是类似于某某路的,用拼音打比较好....而且,应该是从小到大的顺序吧... 英语翻译400字左右 闻官军收河南河北的翻译 求 闻官军收河南河北 翻译文400字以上 英语翻译 闻官军收河南河北翻译 write a short passage sbout your own vacation是啥意思啊? write your own newspaper want ad Write a passage about your own day.Then talk about it with your classmates.You may begin like this 怎么自学新概念英语1我学了有将近半个月,学到第6课了,单词,课文都背下来了,可为什么感觉还是糊里糊涂的。 rose,代表玫瑰,一般用单数还是复数?请 rose变成的复数的发音roses的s发音iz还是 s rose garden的复数是什么?急.急呀,是rose后面加s,还是garden后面加,还是都加.