
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 07:31:49
刘邦,李世民,朱元璋的相同之处A在位时减轻对农民的剥削B都是开国之君C曾生活于社会下层D参加过农民起义 My English is poor so I must study hard to i-- it.怎麼回答 it's a pity 为什么pity要加a,it's a help和it's a pity是一样的形式吗?为什么有的名词可以直接It's n.不用带数. It's a pity..的疑问It's a pity he couldn't visit Mary.这是个定语从句吧?I could drive a car by the time I was sixteen.这是什么从句? She is her grandma.(对her grandma提问) 今天温度很冷是不是病句 修改病句:今天很冷,气温达到了-6℃. 今天的气温十分干燥,令人难受.(修改病句) 歇后语“玻璃罩里的苍蝇”的后半部分是什么? 国际上重新制定“四大文明古国”,结果是“埃及、巴比伦、亚述、波斯”怎么没中国了? she iooked at me with the shining eyes of any normal little girl 翻译 when the little girl saw her mother come in,she p---- to cry with her handson eyes It's a pity that I didn't think of ringing you earlier是什么意思 The little _______tears______her eyes.A.there is.inB has.inC.with,,with As she read the letter,her eyes were __ of tears.A full B filled C came D crowed 九宫格题目:把3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10这八个数字填在方框内,使每一横行、每一竖行和每一斜行的三个数的和等于21.书上只提供了八个数字,估计是可以重复填写数字的吧?要是还加上个11的 F1,F2分别是椭圆X^2/a^2+y^2/b^2=1(a>b>0)的左、右焦点,当离心率在什么范围内取值时,椭圆上总有点P,使PF1垂直与PF2? 求一段简单的Hotel California的英文简介不要复制粘贴的,也不要用机器直接硬译, mary is friengly and helpful friendly and helpful划线,_________ do you_________mary Mary is friendly and helpful对friendly and helpfu提问( )do you()()Mary?( )do you( )Mary? Mary is (friendly and helpful).对划线部分提问--- do you----Mary?---do you---Mary?是对打括号的提问 Mary is friendly and helpful.画线提问、划在friendly and helpful上! 享受自己多年的劳动成果用什么成语形容 自己不劳动而占有别人的劳动成果的成语是什么?只要这个成语. 关于劳动的成语, She took the new girl and some of the boys across town.Hitting the fights from another angle.翻译 the little girl was shy and she___(cover) her face with her hands when she saw some strangers如题,横线上应该填什么形式. She once heard him ( )to another grilA.whisperB.whispering选哪个.为什么 The teacher told us to read English aloud in the morning.改为被动语态She often told us stories about famous persons.We turn on the street lights at 7:30 in the morning.We saw him cross the street. 如何将下面的句子变为被动语态 The teacher makes hisstudents do much homework every day. All the pupils have read this storybook.There English teacher has read this storybook,too这是句型转换,请填_ _ all the pupils _ _ their English teacher has read the storybook四个空 如图是人抬起独轮车车把式简化示意图,此时独轮车相当于一个()杠杆(填:“省力”或“费力”)若动力臂是阻力臂的3倍,物体和车总重为1200N,抬起车把的力F为()N