
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 07:38:55
帮我把下面的句子先变成一般疑问句然后变成特殊疑问句帮我把下面的10句话先变成一般疑问句然后在变成特殊疑问句.1.They buy flowers for their homes2.Mr johnson likes Chinese martial arts3.He is from Canada4. 英语关于疑问句定语从句的问题看到Is this coat /factory.老师说要还原.可是一会儿是This is ___+定语从句.一会又是This ___is___the one +定语从句,怎么区别?什么时候是This is 什么时候用This____is? what are they going to do 要求用eat、meal回答 什么出洞东张西望 You ( )learn Chinese if you want to work in our company;it`s a must here.A.should B.canC.would D.may 改错(一句只有一处错误)1 Where does your nucle live in?2 It's my new pen pal,Mark. Does your pen pal live in Beijing?为什么用Does? Does your pen pal live in Shanghai? Does your pen pal live in the country?No,she_____in the city.____此处为什么填lives?能具体一点最好拜托了! 有没有什么材料 事例关于"动力来自母爱"的啊? 翻译英语:夏日的海滨,几乎全是旅游观光的人,他们忘我地享受着海边的快乐. Can you get an ( ) to her party?Can you get an ( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) to her party?中间写一个单词,8个字母! 解释句子He no longer lives hereI didn t attend the concest last nights Instead I went to visit my parerts The praking lot has He same size as a playground There was nothing missing in the room He seemed to hve no enemies用英文解释 最好是 He no longer live(这里应该用lives吧) here. All fuck off away翻译下 He no longer lives here.同义句是啥? 换的哪个词? 英语翻译JUST要是在JUST FUCK OFF中翻译的话,该如何翻译? 收入与费用配比的要求是指什么? 当收入和成本不配比怎么办? “托尔斯泰给人留下的难忘印象,来源于他那天父般的犹如卷起的滔滔白浪的大胡子”的主干紧急! 辽宁省铁岭市 英文翻译成英文 铁岭市工商行政管理局翻译成英文怎么说 Do you get the invitation for the party?为什么用for不用in? 什么是客观因素?什么是主观因素?最好举几个例子! 主观因素和客观因素辩论例子我是正方,就是主观因素比客观因素重要(也就是后天努力比家庭环境、天赋重要)第一次参加辩论啊,不懂要以什么观点驳倒对方.比如 反方以世袭制这样的观点 the man __ fast when the accident happened ( ) your brother hurt ( ) A.Have,himself B.Has,himself C.Has,him D.Have,himWe had better ( ) home now.A.to go B.going C.went D.goYou must do it ( ) once.A.at B.on C.for D.inThe fish ( ) through my hand.A.sliped B.slip C.slipped D.slipingEvery one sto Who was on d____ when the accident happened.写理由 Jim lives in Beijing .对in Beijing提问. 去海边的英语对话帮忙写一篇英语对话、是三人对话,内容是一家三口或者朋友一起去海边的一件事,大约5——10分钟就可以、 谢 英语的修饰词位置有什么习惯么?Talking about novels and stories primarily as instruments of ideology circumvent much of fictional enterprise.里面的instruments of ideology能不能换做 ideological instruments?换了有什么意义差 英语形容词句中所在位置